Driving away from customers and boasting about it in the media is certainly not going to get him paid.
Driving away from customers and boasting about it in the media is certainly not going to get him paid.
Trump is the undisputed master of stiffing his vendors.
I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.
Still a dirtbag thing to do, leaving a handicapped person on the side of the road, especially if they were a paying customer.
If Jesus came back, the “Christians” today would accuse him of blasphemy and burn him at the stake.
Well Doctor Luke and Doctor Dre are a happily married gay couple who live with their Dogg, lovingly called Snoop who thinks it’s a lion. When they’re not performing medical procedures, they like to go down to the palace to have tea with Queen Latifah. All 4 of them enjoy eating eminems, peanut is the best.
Based on my observation of fellow Californian motorists in the rain, there are two distinct schools of thought on this issue.
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.
Weird, I lived this lifestyle as a teen, and my parents were able to coordinate with other parents of teens being shunted off to various tournaments, events, etc. For instance, my parents would usually go to one of maybe 5 lacrosse tournaments that I went to before I could drive myself. The key is to find parents who…
He is the main reason I can’t get excited about any presidential candidate. I have been so spoiled by all the Obamas for 8 and I’m just not ready to let go :(
you know how i know youre gay? you like coldplay.
And he seems a little confused about who exactly changed her life by adopting her from Korea.
When your first response to “how has your wife changed you” is “well, she gives me a lot of pleasure” ... that is not a healthy dynamic.
Hillary was one of the greatest SOSUS of all time for Obama and a lot of why people like him is due to Hillary. She did the Arab Spring which presented the Middle East with opportunities for democracy instead of dictatorships and that’s why you see people in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, Kuwait, Syria, Bahrain, Iran,…
I don’t think it’s disinterest so much as it’s stupidity, because in terms of protesting, casting a blank ballot or voting for a third party candidate is a much better way of showing your dissatisfaction.
That won’t happen if we don’t ALL get out and campaign for and vote for progressive candidates in state and local elections.
This is exactly why his continued campaign is important.
I contend, as a Bernie primary voter myself, that anyone who “refuses” to vote for Hillary in the general probably wouldn’t have even motivated themselves to vote if Bernie won the nom, anyways.
Counterpoint: Atléti are the best team forever and ever amen.