or maybe he just called to say “i love you.”
or maybe he just called to say “i love you.”
How do we know that Stevie Wonder didn’t call OBJ and tell him that he saw all the terrible calls that were being made. Maybe this wasn’t a joke, but a name drop.
I absolutely detest that Alex Jones gained enough traction that I now know who he is. Anything he doesn’t want to believe is “fake”. NYMag had a heartbreaking piece today about a former Alex Jones listener whose son was killed in Newtown. And as a grieving parent has been trying to convince Jones and other hoax-ers…
can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.
I really hope the Mets don’t waste a camp invite on someone who has proven he can’t play baseball at the Major League level. I get that he’s a really nice guy and used to be a famous star, but this whole David Wright spectacle needs to come to an end.
Jesus Christ that Vine is awful
Duke looks great. The Cowboys might be the best team in the NFL. The Red Sox got Sale. This is a fucking apocalypse of bad sports things. I swear to god if Penn State had gotten into the playoffs, I’d have to give sports up for good.
I’m surprised this hasn’t caused more of a fuhrer
The Rise and Fall of the Third Mic
For those who think Clinton deserves “her turn” at the presidency, Sanders was a potential spoiler taking what he wasn’t entitled to. I think that there was a lot of resentment that democrats had to listen to criticism from independent progressives and first-time voters, who haven’t been in “their” party long enough…
Ummm...he’s a Senator so he’ll be returning to the Senate. But it’s nice that you’re paying attention.
I don’t understand the vitriol against him? He seems like a nice enough liberal enough guy, maybe a little stubborn but he’s well-intentioned. Sure, some of his supporters are jerks but so are some of the Clinton supporters.
So Ben Roethlisberger didn’t explicitly say no, and Donald Trump took that as a yes? Interesting…
Well at least he can catch a case.
No Problem is a summer banger
Brek Shea watches this and wonders how the fuck he can’t break into this team.
He’s doing a guest spot on Gawker next week subbing for Jordan,