just went and found that story. wow. thank you.
for those interested: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/the-sandy-hook-hoax.html
just went and found that story. wow. thank you.
for those interested: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/the-sandy-hook-hoax.html
“I am of the belief that it’s not so much that black audiences don’t want white artists exploring a black sound: the issue is that white artists can be bad while employing black style and still be successful.
this is the only correct answer
I feel like every sport has a guy like Delly trying to bait opposing players into reaction. The response is what always gets called, be it basketball, football, soccer...etc.
Go to a Giants game. You can watch that leathery jabroni sing his fucking lungs out every 7th inning stretch.
n o t e m o
Hey, Kevin! Since you are actually a coherent writer and seem to understand soccer and have interesting opinions, can you see to it that Billy Haisley is relegated? He is truly the Aston Villa of Screamer.
the fact that there is a literal Vineyard Vines tent in the background makes me so happy! free advertising for the frat-star lifestyle!
is it just me or is this whole genre really derivative and everyone sounds the same now? back in my day....
it’s “if, then” good sir.
I’m not entirely sure you know what socialism means.
Billy Haisley, you are truly the worst thing to ever happen to deadspin. Your shitposting about soccer has almost made me give up on the whole site!
If the whole Bernie movement can successfully transition to get more voter interest and engagement for midterm elections, he will have done more for the Democratic Party and the country than he could have as president.
:/ can Barry just stick around a couple terms longer?
Son of an irritable lawyer. Do I need to find a new blog?!
oi, the proper term is “oriental” in leicester, mate!