Ich liebe dieses thema!
Ich liebe dieses thema!
reallllly wish she wasn’t a scientologist :/
Most student athletes aren’t even allowed to have jobs! A scholarship is nice and all, but some people would also like food and running water
Does glee club sell memorabilia and tickets in the tens of millions of dollars each year? If so they certainly also deserve compensation for the money they’ve made their university through hard work!
Have you not noticed Haisley seems to be the only one covering the EPL and is both a hack and not very knowledgable about it?
Thank you for having the courage to stand up to Big Hot Sauce. I’m sick of having Tabasco treated like something that tastes good.
TW pleeze!
this is some top notch truthering!
Seattleite here. Buying drugs off a random person on the street in the U District is massively sketchy. Sounds like somebody ate some bath salts/PCP cocktail
Kawhi Leonard has been the single most important force for cornrows since Allen Iverson. A travesty he was left out of the list. Also, lol at anyone trying to claim Urijah Faber started this “trend”...
As shitty of an answer as it is, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski produced art, Cosby produced cheap entertainment.
I heard they had guys following their players around in yellowface after Vardy’s trip to the casino and the home movies from Leicester’s trip to Thailand
Stan Kroenke has proven to be realllll patient with coaches. You think Abramovich would have let Jeff Fisher last this long?
Unfortunately, Clay Bennett is very much still alive.
As a soccer fan, I pray that I never have to hear about Kyle Martino on this site again. Glad to see you throw a little shade his way!
Shit, if he did walk away, the fight might have gotten uglier.