
Anyone who still calls that game the Bartman Game needs to be hit with a rake. It’s the Alex Gonzalez Game, period. 

I wonder how early in a game they’d concede a loss and just let all of their trustworthy pitchers sit..

If there is a video, I’m sure it will autoplay for you.

This is likely the biggest mistake I’ve ever made on Kinja, but god help me, here I go.

Sounds like at least 17 here

Yes, This is Another Request to Disable Your Adblocker.

When you whitelist us on your adblocker, it allows us to pay fair wages to the hardworking writers on this website.

Also, by watching this one extra ad we put on there, it allows us to pay those lazy undeserving slugs for health insurance. Thanks, Obama, amirte?!

 Nothing, but the title of his article is that Mike Leach has dumb thoughts about homeless people. Leach said literally nothing about the homeless people themselves.

The racist bits are beyond shitty. And the DV jokes are lame. But let’s not throw too many stones from our glass house on the latter issue.

This is a pretty disingenuous description of how the whole Diaz/Richt situation played out. Diaz took the job at Temple yes, but literally no one saw the quick exit by Richt coming. After Diaz left, Miami demanded that Richt relieve his son of his duties as quarterback coach, which was 100% justified as he absolutely

People do not like change. They get used to the equipment they are using, it becomes second nature, and they like that. They do not like having to incorporate new equipment, technology, paperwork, whatever into their routines. People complained when OSHA mandated the use of Safety Needles. They hoarded supplies of the

I don’t think he is being irrational. I think he is being unreasonable.

I actually hoped he would retire over this. Because even though I am a hypocrite who still watches and follows the NFL religiously, I am basically rooting for every player in the league to retire at all times and hopefully save themselves from a life of misery.

The problem is that it isn’t some highfalutin new fangled technology BIG HELMET is trying to impose on players, it’s that the actual foam in the helmet hardens and cracks as it ages, to the point where after more than 7-10 years it is basically worthless as far as absorbing and distributing shock. That is, I think

Ctrl+F “Democrats..... zero results

Just a note, Kinja bosses: the HamBot 3000 Contrarion© should not use the word “we” when referring to humans. “He” is technically several thousand lines of self-modifying code nobody can debug any more, and now that everybody knows this, you just look foolish when “he” tries to insert himself among the flesh-bearers.

See, but nobody who wasn’t there actually “cares,” Hamilton. Not any more. It happens too often for people to spend much time processing it. If they live nearby, they might contribute a stuffed animal or a candle to the memorial pile of garbage and take a picture of the garbage pile for their Instagram account. They

Replace “republicans” with “politicians”. We the sheeple of America get the leaders we deserve. People aren’t shooting people because guns are suddenly more available. It’s because hate is stoked on every side. Being a peacemaker is seen as weak and until we glorify peacemaking and collaboration over divisive thinking

You’ll probably get banned for this. God forbid anyone not agree 100% with extremist left beliefs. 

As someone who voted democrat in all but two instances in the last election (one Green Party because the governor’s race was a bunch of dog shit and a local Republican who is doing a good job as county auditor), I think this is the worst part of the left. “Shut the fuck up if you don’t agree with me and if you don’t

I’ve rarely been so disappointed by a lewd video.