
Stay home!  We’re all more healthy if you do.

From a mathematical and common sense perspective, everything you just said is wrong. While being more prevalent than ever, the virus is NOT more risky, it’s far LESS deadly, and the people you care about are worth risks sometimes. But by all means, avoid them this year and see if some of them become the less than 1%

We’re not even at 200k deaths period, let alone “above normal.”

This article, like so much other commentary I’ve read, seems to contradict itself. In your own example, you say that a person with cancer gets hit by a bus, then we say it wasn’t the bus that killed them? That is EXACTLY the opposite point to make. In that case, it was absolutely the bus that killed them. COVID is not

How is what you just said less hateful than what he said?  I actually agree with your point of view, but you really need to reconsider how you communicate.

You are the exact type of person that gets Trump re-elected.  Enjoy your keyboard, you have 4 more years to get used to it

That is the absolute perfect response.  For a group hoping to help the world with free everything (including relief from not paying their own well earned bills) you sure love to refer to people that don’t agree as degenerates, and in this case--a different species?  Nice.

I ask them to spell their name sometimes.  Even if it’s Jim or Bob, you can always just say “you never know these days.”

That is inherently ridiculous and not even remotely a comparison.  Maybe if you said your physical therapy sessions were conducted by people that retired 10 years ago and have had no training since then...

Interestingly enough, so do guns.

ABSOLUTELY wrong?  Right?  Because it’s just so clear?  HAHHAHAHAHH

If his name wasn’t Carmelo Anthony, would they even PLAY him?

I gotta say this, even though it’ll always be grey and if anyone responds at all it’ll be because they think I’m a right wing Trump lover (I’m not), but I was really hoping the whole “Fuck You” tweet would’ve been mentioned in this. It’s also a shitty thing to say, let alone attempt to make money from in apparel. I

How is this comment more above board than what he’s doing?

Not sure if you all remember, but Deadspin themselves tried to sell a shirt with the infamous “Fuck you” tweet to Trump right AFTER he had complimented them on their work on the Manti Teo story.

Not defending Barstool, or Trump for that matter--but let’s not act like we’re all coming to Deadspin for high moral

Deadspin had its day in the sun when it broke the Manti Teo story. Since then they’ve turned into the most hypocritical shock writers in our generation. In one day you’ll see an article about how greedy business executives are and that they make far too much money, and then another about how sports is holding back

Your point isn’t necessarily wrong, but this is racism. I don’t see how people don’t get this. If you want equality, be equal.

“In February, Rapapoot took time out of his busy schedule of looking like death warmed over”

Cracks me up. Deadspin loves to bitch about CEO salaries that are sometimes FAR lower than $15M per year and cry foul, but capitalism is perfectly acceptable in sports and every player should get what they can get, just like the Evan Turner story published earlier, right?! 

Is something about this wrong? Every writer probably doesn’t know the implications of every sponsorship. Isn’t it well within their rights to review and decide not to piss off people that give them money?