
Micheal Williams

Micheal Williams I think.

Former Coug, and proud of Falk.

Not to pick nits, but Joe’s from Chelan, a beautiful but much smaller city in central WA. That adds to the story though...that town is small and here he is using public transportation!

Steph Curry and Pachulia. Zaza would just injure one guy and the other would fight him

I work indoors for a tech company, so the heat during the day isn’t all that bad. In fact, the well known cliches about the heat here are that A, it’s a dry heat (almost no humidity, ever), and B, you get used to it. Both are very true, and in July we get monsoon season, which is basically a bunch of windy rainstorms

There is no comparison to be made here, Obama vs. Trump, etc. The truth is most people on the planet would be fired from their position if they posted something like that on social media, and that’s without the extra followers TV personalities have. Jemele is of course entitled to her own opinion. She’s also

This is the same woman that’s already been punished for Hitler comparisons, being proven wrong on the Duke Lacrosse case, and writing an article called “Hating is Good” in which she says hating the Celtics is like “hoping Brad Pitt is difigured” while basically say she hates Boston for how long they took to

According to Albert, this is obviously OK. #harverylootcrew

So it’s ok to steal and eat damaged food? Go home.

Amen. The people condemning you for this are outside their minds. It’s ok to break the law, we’re flooded!

Seriously Albert, you are a fucking lunatic. You couldn’t stay on the same side of an argument if John Wall threw it directly into your fucking lap.

Damn. I thought one comment was so fucking hilarious...turned out to be Halpern.

Defense: A-
Shooting: D
Free throw shooting: F
Math: F
Pants sizing at NBA awards show: F

Drew, no offense but you’re turning into every writer you make fun of in your articles. It’s kinda stunning how deluded you’re getting.

Such a heartwarming response. Good to see people really trying to get along.

I’m sure I’m not the only one to mention this (too lazy to look through the Replies), but if he’s a righty, shouldn’t he be MORE comfortable catching left handed? I’m a lefty, and if i’m doing one handed catches, I’d use my right hand, just like I would in baseball. Am I missing something?

I’ve been told you can ask for them to do it that way again if you’d prefer that version.

You do realize that, while incredibly offensive and laughably inept, there’s really nothing illegal in this letter? The most you could feasibly make of this is a vague and pointless threat, but even that’s not enough to warrant fingerprint testing. It’s hurtful...but it’s a letter.

Even BEFORE the election, that tweet was ridiculous. Without Magary, I’d have dropped you guys then. The fact you made your own oral history about it was...well, something you’d crucify Trump (or anyone else) for doing. It was unreadable.