
Shitty maybe, but the right call. Any clock error should result in a reset and replay.

Hahahahahaha oh my GOD this comment made my day. Democrats want to have a civilized debate. Hahahahahahaha

Not to mention the Cubs have a pitching advantage in Game 3 with Kendrick.

I’ll just continue to post—and not be approved—because I know no one at this once proud group of journalist hold themselves to any credibility. It’s so fair for Kaepernick and all of you to have opinions, but forbid ANYONE else to even remotely disagree.

So again, go fuck yourself.

Again, go fuck yourself Deadspin. And Barry.

Can’t disagree with this.

You do realize police do that as a secondary job—it’s not a government funded position to secure NFL games...right? You do get that?

I’m glad I’m not in your box, dope. Taxpayer money goes to police, not game security, which is what this article is about. Good luck on your GED!

I think what they’re saying is that they’re choosing your #2 option. How the fuck does the BLM movement even come into that?

Fair point.

Actually, YOU’RE quite something. I think what I said is pretty clear, but I’m sorry if you didn’t follow. Cops have a job to do to protect citizens, but if they’re moonlighting at a stadium for NFL games, they have every right to walk away. Can’t really be more clear than that.

Why do I get the feeling you’ll find

Crime? What crime? Am I missing something?

Actually no. I’m saying if you don’t need POLICE, in their government position, I’d love to know who you call when you need some security as a citizen, and not a private party fan at an NFL game. I’m ALSO saying providing third party security at an NFL game is not part of their government position, and they have every

They aren’t violating his rights at all. Do you actually know what the 1st amendment says? It says government shall make no law...awwwwww forget it. Research is clearly not your strong suit.

Thank you...I appreciate that. And I will gladly defend you when a random cop in Ohio does something legitimately awful.

Such a perfect response. Wait, are you Kaepernick?

Actually, you’re right. I assume the job you have now is something you signed for. God forbid you decide to want to do something different.

Oh....the oath. Like the one every American is assumed to have taken to be an American citizen. Like all aliens have to take to become one.

I guess that’s fair.