
Good call! Next time you walk down the road or in a stadium of 60,000’re on your own. Way to fight the man!

I assume you realize providing security at NFL games is in no way part of their “tax payer money” salary or “protecting citizens.” That’s a secondary non-government job that police offer to provide. In that case, they’re paid by the NFL, and just like at your job—they have every right to walk away. Again, I assume you

Hhahahahaha that’s laughable. Their job in no way has anything to do with the NFL.* They do that as an additional service (for additional pay) and have every right to walk away from it.

You must not read a lot of newspapers. There’s a lot of precedent to this. Turns out people need security

To play football with security guarding me. Unless I decide I don’t need them.

What a joke.

I’m sure you don’t get it. I’d love to see who you call when all police decide to stop defending the people that decide they don’t need them.

So it’s OK for Kaepernick to exercise his right to complain, but not for a group of people that secure him. Deadspin, in the words of your infamous tweet, Go fuck yourselves.

I’m going to take this further. I’d love to see if and how Kaepernick has voted. I’d love to see his charity work. I’d love to see how he’s made America better.

Perfect response.

Honestly, Deadspin, you can go fuck yourselves.

There’s a difference between speaking and actively standing against your country.

For people like us to sit behind keyboards and claim that one of the players in arguably the most athletic sports is “uncoordinated” in ANY form is ridiculous. What he did, what Green always does, what many players do each year is NOT a lack of coordination.

Typical injury when someone misses with a thrown punch. Leading with your middle finger is a rookie move.

He has billions from his investments SINCE his Laker days

I am a Seahawk fan. The game was awful, but this letter is worse. The 12th man flag is not the American flag, and even pretending it holds similar meaning is borderline offensive.

And if this had happened against Winona State they would’ve been given a technical for celebrating.


Also, found one. Took 5 minutes.

I’ll act as I like, as I’m sure you will too. Clever comeback though, especially after being so sure that none exists.