
I’m sorry an actual official ID card is let me dumb it down for you a bit more...........sigh.

I mean, at a time when restaurants across the country are at extreme risk of closure, some payroll protections aren’t going to help. Money in the pocket of their potential customers, on the other hand, would

This is just so consistently beyond my ability to comprehend the gaps in our political system.

The Hero’s Act gets rid of all ID requirements would allow massive voter fraud in every Federal Election

There is an entire world of options between staying locked up at home going slowly insane and attending a large indoor gathering for many hours. They include making a bubble with another single person or couple, having regular but short (and hopefully outdoor) interactions, quarantining properly for two weeks before

I’m glad everyone is being safe. And best of luck to your parent on chemo. What a rough time this is to be going through that. 

I know I’m gonna get roasted for this but here goes.

Don’t have a Thanksgiving Day dinner with close family that have observed all necessary precautions to keep the virus at bay, but by all means open up schools and celebrate whatever candidate winning his/her election in large gatherings of people you don’t know.  Maybe let’s focus on the events that will cause large

we’ve been enduring a year of a collapsing economy, losing jobs, and hiding in our homes. I think these armchair experts have every right to say their piece. If you’re so put off by their opinion, get off social media and go do something outside! Oh wait... That’s not safe.

No, all lives matter. and no matter how well crafted the article, or eloquent the point you should realize this. The next time you say Black lives matter, think about the injustice that has awoken your new found righteousness and think, “but if it wasn’t a X man/woman who suffered, would I be as angry?” The answer

The problem at this point is that even if there would have been a better way to say it the label’s already been formed in the mind of society and it’s just not going to change.

The thread of comments this has spawned must be peak Kinja...

You’re getting better at sticking to the facts, Beth, but...

Which again demonstrates (a) how ridiculous his plan is and (b) how slapped together it is given that it does not make that clear anywhere in what the Sanders campaign put out. 

And that’s a number they completely pulled out of their ass just like everything else

How he’ll pay for it: Bone everybody who isn’t dirt poor. This is as dangerous a candidate as your lot could have ever come up with. Jaw dropped.

The irony is Bernie helps these “evil” businesses by making them way more money. “Free college” - guess who benefits the most from that? You’ll see way more colleges popping up to get the free government handouts and they’ll keep raising their tuition prices because demand will be so high and taxpayers will be forced

This article could have been shortened by just saying: he won’t, because he won’t beat Trump.

I get to use “Ok Boomer!" And how much was college 55 years ago compared to today? Cost of living? Cost of buying a home?

Bernie Sanders is going to pay for everything with a gallon size ziplock bag filled with rolls of pennies and coupons he clipped from the Sunday paper.