
This is ultimately the rub. The joke was mocking the very same people who now employ him and make up his fanbase. So he’s pivoted. Much in the same way Trump would never hob knob the rubes who voted for him, or how OJ only turned to Black America once White America turned its back on him. It’s a fascinating pivot. And

It’s not crazy to think that a good chunk of people reading PFT at Barstool believe the satire. There are others who are just confused by it, “wait, is this guy making fun of me and my dad?”, and others still who recognize it as satire, but satire in the same vein as Drew’s Rex Ryan bit. Where he’s making fun of that

I’ve read Deadspin for a good decade. I also like Pardon My Take, which features a guy who rose from the ashes of KSK and all the other great Deadspin commenters that have since had great writing careers. This shit really turned me off from Deadspin and I’m likely done reading it for a while.

The one thing that I have trouble separating is that PFT is far from the only employee that separates what they themselves do from other bad behavior on the blog that they work at. There are several allegations that have come out in the not-to-distant past about current or former Deadspin employees. To my knowledge,

Haters gonna hate.

I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.

You should. Wendy’s twitter account is actually pretty funny

The Warriors are unstoppable after game 1, can’t win it unless Curry steps up after game 2. Got it. After Game 3, will the post be about how they need Tim Hardaway back?

Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?

It was tongue-and-cheek and hasty, and a poor summation. You’re right to call those out. I’ll say what I was thinking: I don’t believe Bill. I think the Pats did research, sat on this, and now that it’s becoming public, decided the best course of action was to deny. I’m just angry at a shit organization, and I made a

I think whether Patricia did anything is almost moot because we’ll likely never know. What we do know is that the NFL for years has had a coach in its ranks who had such an allegation in his history and no one had any idea. For a giant enterprise with massive resources, it’s hard to excuse. Maybe Patricia is innocent

An honest question about how Deadspin has reported this (its an important story, and I’m glad its getting traction):

If it was so easy and simple to find, and all these teams are dumbasses for not knowing about something that happened in 1996....why has it taken you guys so long to report the story??

Of course the people would have to pay the burden. Could we expect otherwise? It’s like the outrage that AT&T would pass the purchase price for Time Warner onto its subscribers. Of course that’s what would happen.

Maybe be pissed at Austin for that dirty-as-shit slide? Not sure what he expected was going to happen, and good on Kelly for putting one in his back. That shit breaks legs.

Why do you guys even care about Barstool? This is some Burger King-McDonald’s playground fighting bullshit. Nobody else cares except for Deadspin staffers.

I think we can all agree that NBA referees generally need to chill out with the techs and ejections, and that no basketball game is improved by having one of the best players in the world removed from it because he got mad.

I own semi-automatic weapons. I don’t care what Chipper Jones, or the NRA, or Senators from California, or mostly anyone else has to say about it. Why? I haven’t, and won’t, do anything with them that affects anyone else, unless that “anyone else” happens to enter my home uninvited. They sit there doing nothing almost

What laws are these people breaking? Wasn’t aware that NCAA violations were cause for FBI to come in.

I meaaaaan... this is fine? I feel like calling out Wendy’s in the original headlines was kinda shitty? Obviously the message was cut out fast food but Brown’s experience was tied to a nearby Wendy’s. So while it can be pointed out in the article that he stopped going to Wendy’s, calling them out in the headline makes

You lost me at your first sentence. Please get the basics right. It’s not the large point drop that matters, it’s the percentage drop, and these were not the two largest by any stretch.