
Maybe you should use Amazon Prime to order yourself a sense of humor

Right. So stupid.

This, much like the bonuses and wage increases American employees are getting because of the tax cut bill, does not fit Splinter’s socialist agenda. So they get extra defensive with stuff like this because they know it makes their cause look stupid.

Luke Falk, QB, WSU: “Too soft, has empathy, lacks killer instinct. May become locker room divider.”

Washington State Cougars, brother

This is really one of those things that defies your attempts to come up with a quick take. You just wish he’d seen another way out of what he was dealing with and feel terrible for the people he left behind.


Paul’s as good as any point guard in NBA history


Jesus. Does Lee here owe you money or something?

Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.

The Kaepernick trip this site has been on is every bit as loathsome as the ESPN/Tebow saga.

I have no doubt that he will put a lot of points on the scoreboard of life for everyone in this community.

This is heartbreaking.

If you look at that 2013 Celts/Nets trade in a dark bathroom while looking in a mirror Danny Ainge appears and marries your mom.

For some reason, I’m more inclined to listen to the football experience of someone who played at a recreational level with friends over a D-III player.

He’s not looking to compete, he’s looking to be carried. Competitive players don’t force themselves off a team just because the QB changed.

This sucks in a way that’s hard to put into words. Halladay is someone I’d have driven to Cooperstown to see his induction. A personal hero from back when I still had those.

Lebanon doesn’t have the NRA and the 2nd Amendment and, yet, people still get shot there right, Steve?

If people want to effect change, real change - they gotta stop having conversations with the NRA and their ilk, who’s sole job is to stop limits on gun proliferation.