
And with that, Jalen Ramsey became the first player to actively try to get into the Bengals locker room.

If you’re running down the street and someone crosses your path, are you allowed to lay them out like that?

There is no bigger piece of shit in sports right now than Draymond Green. 

Is there a take on this other than Foerster is/was a dumb besotted older dude with substance issues that got fucked over massively by a stripper (presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown) who’s now trying to make it out to be some noble political act?

This is some cruel shit. Some dumb shit too. But the cruelty

But what he did, knowing everything I went through, you don’t do that, bro.

How the fuck that goes over someone’s head that reads Magary is beyond me.

When I found out the Coug’s logo actually said WSU, I was amazed.

This is ignorant and irrelevant. Machine guns were banned in 1986. The problem here is the perpetrator. Let’s make his illegal machine gun even more illegal! That’ll stop the next one for sure! I truly believe if someone wants to commit terrorism they will find a way to do so. You guys can go ahead and continue to

when a car is used to run through a crowd you should tell us the congresscritters who took money from the auto industry too.

It was nice of the Thunder to let Westbrook take one last picture with the basketball in his hands before Carmelo joins the team.

The only thing that could make this more Russell Westbrook level petty would be if he signed this on Durant’s birthday.

I strongly dislike the large, bold type for those headers. I know it’s “Messages” (or whatever). I clicked on the icon. I don’t need a super huge “MESSAGES!!!!!” at the top to remind me.

I have a jar of hot sauce that is like 6,000,000 su. For reference, a jalepeno is about 5000. I had a buddy who bragged he could eat anything hot. So I coated a wing with just a wee little bit of it.

Aggressive take warning: It’s amazing the nanny-state that we live in. There are warnings on each ticket about items entering the seating areas, there are announcements during the games, there are signs warning people of the dangers and to be aware often directly in front of each seat (usually infield lower box

To be fair to Francesa, this is the worst thing any coach has ever done at Penn State.

I know that this is not the right place to ask this sort of question... But can we take a second and put ourselves in the officers’ shoes? They responded to a call saying that there was an active shooter in the casino, they had no idea where the shooter was or what he looked like, they risked their lives to go in and

This is a classic example of Deadspin pushing one of their favorite narratives way too far.

Yeah, because why make sure Bennett’s story is corroborated by the videos? No one wanted to wait for facts in the Elliott case and look where that has us.

Lol. Aww look at you with your clever come-back. I’m sure you’re tweeting this one your way to Texas to help out too!

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime