
Roberson can’t hit the And-1 nor can he carry the one.

There was once a team that won eight titles in a row.

He looked like he was gonna cry after he did it. Like a high schooler after a fight. It was cute.

That shouldn’t even be a hot take- it’s just common sense. I was at the game. I’m a Wizards fan, and have been my whole life. Oubre reacted stupidly and deserved to be ejected. The screen was moving, but it was just a hard screen- he didn’t do anything that deserved anything more than a regular foul. This whole

Hot take: Shove taking place within the context of a basketball play where the shover gets called for a foul for said act, is fine. Shove taking place after the whistle, where the shover gets a running start to exact revenge for a harder than necessary foul that was already penalized within the rules of the game, is

So are you drawing an equivalence between the two? The screen and the shove? One was a very typical screen that happened in the course of play...the other was a targeted shove when play was not occurring. I don’t see how those distinctions aren’t important.

Everything that happens on a basketball court is physical play. A bounce-pass is a physical play.

I support your 100% impartial, unbiased take

This is a legitimately terrible write up.

Holy fuck is this a dumb take

This is homerism at it’s finest. Bill Simmons would be jealous, Burneko! no one going to mention that his handwriting would make you think he wrote this in a Lisa Frank notebook?

Did you vote for Donald Trump?

Here is a required disclaimer to ensure my point is taken seriously and not dismissed as the ravings of some misguided Trump supporter: I voted for Hillary. I was not and am not terribly fond of her, but she was the objectively more qualified candidate and a demonstrably better human being. I don’t vote for

This is so dumb. We have an electoral college, so candidates campaign around that. If it was a popular vote the campaign trail would look dramatically different. So, we have no idea who would have won a popular vote, if that’s what mattered.

He’s already made more money by age 27 than 99% of the US population makes in a lifetime. Assuming he’s put away a decent amount of it, retirement is an awfully rational choice at this point. The likelihood that he won’t be able to walk properly for the rest of his life if he plays one more season, let alone two or

Worse still, what if all the rich and talented people withdrew from society to punish us for not appreciating them sufficiently? What kind of world would that be? Not one I’d want to live in. Better not risk it.

You know, I have a close family friend who had to flee from Cuba when Castro came rolling through. The family that she still has in Cuba lives in squalor. She can’t bring money to them because the government takes it. I’ve heard her tell horror stories that she experienced first hand.

He’s not wrong, though. Within the past few months, Redford admitted he didn’t know the definition of a foul ball, and Petchesky revealed his inability to read NHL standings. All the while never abandoning their holier-than-thou snark.

Deadspin= a bunch of clueless liberal fucks!