
It was an acceptable joke. I wasn’t dying with laughter. It worked for what it was.

There was an unfunny sketch on SNL? Now I’ve seen everything!

it was a good joke

And a big Fuck you back dude.

Does it really matter? Hamilton can display his stunning lack of understanding on economics- and now politics!- across any platform.

How would that even need to be challenged? The fiscal situation of the government is based on the debt and the potential of interest hikes. Assuming the administration continues to maintain a deficit, every subsequent administration will inherit the worst fiscal situation.

I can’t tell if you are being serious or trolling? The trolling part is he is a monster because at the end of the day you are still killing life. He has a point. Can you libs just stop being babies already and move the fuck on. You are really really really making yourselves look sad at this point. You are the exact

That 3% battery charge bothers me more than anything mentioned in the article.

Towns from downtown! Downs from towntown! Down from twontwon! Twontwon from down! twon

I’m devastated, too. But, I think your comment (which reflects an attitude towards Trump supporters we both shared) is the problem.

Admittedly I’m not much of a soccer guy but the use of foreign born players on National Teams always struck me as odd too and all I can see from the linked article is that the justification that makes her opinion so stupid is “But it’s always been this way”.

Why are you being such a dick about this? She just wants to shut down using dual nationals until she can figure out what’s going on.

Being a veteran, I do not want to hear this scrub talk on behalf of veterans.

I didn’t know Tommy pitched. Greg Maddux was the master of that, though.

I’m not nearly ready to call them “favorites” out of the AL, but boy oh boy do they have a lot of pieces clicking together at the right time.

This will be an interesting dynamic no matter what your feeling on this her stance (heh) is. Unlike Kaepernick she has everything to lose by doing this and she is doing it during National team competitions. I know I’m on record of bashing Kaep however I think this (his) kneeling trend is much more respectful and as

is anything wrong with the message were all in this together? there will never be a time where every group of people are segregated. all people of every color religion etc need to unite together. one person doing it their way wont change anything. its needs a collective approach

Personally, and not ranked within tiers:

I know he slipped a bit last season but I get the feeling everybody just told him “This is getting weird. If you don’t retire now the government is going to dissect you until the find whatever anti aging gene you have” and Tim just sat still for a few seconds before saying “Fine,” and started drawing up the paperwork.