
Glad to see Dellavedova playing some pickup games to stay in shape this offseason.

Wyh this now, Dwyane?

This sort of thing seems to come up a lot here, but really, the draft (and it’s artificial system of talent distribution) is good for the entire league, and the players know it. Notice how they never bring this up in CBA negoiations? The pure free market system works fine in European soccer, but in the US, you have

This blog mostly built the case for Ichiro, but the case against Pete Rose is this: he used a corked bat and he cost his team chasing records. He is not the hit king.

Japanese pro baseball is probably the most competitive on the planet behind the MLB. Let’s not get too dismissive.

I bet every time they bring out the contract, Von sneaks around and pokes it out of their hands.

There are two arguments people present that show they have no fucking clue how coordinated and good professional athletes are. The first is every variation of “Could I pitch an inning/make a tackle/play a series at quarterback/make the senior tour as a golfer?” NO. They are professionals and you are an

he should shut up and just be thankful he’s not getting called for the 3x he’s fouling lebron on every possession

I laughed so hard at the off-balance glove slap. His right and left hands were in two completely different fights.

The punch was great, but people need to give a little more love to the follow on glove slap that comes right after.

I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”

2016 is not fucking around

When beating Duke, celebration krzyld be kept to a minimum.

If it turns out that Blake has hand cancer, we’ll know for sure.

...that Michael Jordan’s father was killed by the mafia due to his inability to pay off gambling debts

Stevie Wonder isn’t blind

Pen names aside, Drew’s writing has really improved.

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.

Did Bill Simmons start repeating himself? Yep. I long time ago. Did he start repeating himself until he sounded like a parody of himself? Yes. Obviously.

I never read or listened to Bill Simmons for the insight. I think he’s entertaining. He doesn’t give the analysis of an expert, he gives the analysis of a rabid sports fan. Which may not always be correct, but it can be goddamn entertaining sometimes. And I don’t begrudge him the fact that he can attend every sporting