
Why La Russa? He was never tied to Bauer at any point in his career.

God DAMN that still hurts. But good

I think it's pretty clear Minnesota won that trade. They won it on Day 1. Even if Wiggins ends up an average player, Love was gone regardless. And turns out he's not even that good.

Kind of ironic that Deadspin would blast an article exposing Woj with his "sources" and his lack of real backup, and then ON THE SAME DAY post this article with the HEADLINE about the DBacks asking Miley to go gluten-free, but even the linked article doesn't even show the comment he made about the organization and

Sorry dude, the other guy. I actually agree with you!

Not that you deserve a response, but you are a certifiable lunatic. I hope Jameis thinks you're cute.

6/11/2013. Jim Harbaugh, discussing Seattle's PED suspensions: "You're taking somebody at their word, and I don't know if you can take them at their word without fully understanding the circumstances. Play by the rules. You want to be above reproach, especially when you're good."

Seems a lot of people are out for blood on this, but I'd like to see how many parents have a clean record of parenting free from anything they regret. We do not get to tell other parents how to handle their job and by the way—we're literally days removed from another abusive story that was full of cover up and media

I hope there is non-stop booing all game long tonight. Steeler fans (who I hate)...please drink lots of water.

Well then thank you for all you do as well. True heroes from that day...and every day since.

Yep. Remember, everyone thought both buildings were full. The still somehow underrated feat of all is that they were evacuated as quickly as they were.

The REAL problem here is that the Hawks are spending time telling each other a guy with the name of "Luol Deng" is "African." Great scouting there, boys.

Most used cars have a pricing "code" in the price. As a car sits on a lot longer, the price will obviously drop, but if you're paying attention, you can guess at the margin they have left.

Send me your address, I'll literally send you proof next time, stud.

West Virginia and Kentucky, take a bow. You literally just made me shit myself laughing.

How is what he did any different than any of the other privileged writers asking his buddies what they thought and using their info for votes? That he made it public?

Hopefully he can use some of that HOF money to buy a cordless phone? C'mon Tom, just because you pitched in the 90s doesn't mean you still have to live in them.

Year 10 of Drynuary (I call it No Drinking January, or NDJ because I am lazy). This is the month I do everything I've needed to get done. So basically it's like I'm on speed in January, and normal for 11 months.

I do not disagree with you, Chris, except for the fact that your perceived "role" in the cause is not different from any other NFL player or citizen. The fact that you decided to bear the cross so vocally does not make you any better or worse than the rest of us interested in equality. An employer absolutely

Power #4 is easy, just live anywhere but the east coast and New York!