
It happened a few episodes back during Bethenny’s Berkshire tirade against Luann. Bethenny was completely unhinged and screaming all kinds of horrible insults at Luann.

I wonder what he’s like?

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

No shit?!? I once had a long distance relationship after I got someone else’s telegram while on a I was changing trains. The telegraph operator keyed it in wrong in Virgina as I was heading out to the Spanish controlled California territories and just as I got over the Mississippi there was a message for Miss.

I’m sure in context it was a little more understandable, but holy shit, the air marshall/security guy who opened with “You’re gonna go to jail” really did not give a fuck about calming that situation down, eh?

Except Komen cut ties with Planned Parenthood and basically sucks as an organization, anyway. Not very much of their funds actually go to research.

Exactly my thought. I hate the why, but this money is absolutely going to be better spent given to a group that actually does fucking research.

Yeah, I feel torn about this. Komen has certainly met it’s original goal of raising “awareness” for women, and I think that was good. Now they are just a fund-sucking self-help program with relentless positivity brainwashing that can be exclusionary to women who are actually dying of breast cancer, which does still

Minus five for a Seth MacFarlane reference. Anything pertaining to him belongs under the post about douching.

Any other company, besides Komen, and I’d be infuriated by this.

A friend of mine was president many years ago of the Dallas chapter which is one of the largest. She doesn’t have many positive things to say about her experience and she is a breast cancer survivor. I am pro choice but I donate my money for cancer research elsewhere after talking to her.

Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...

ICE is just a listing of people to call and other emergency info. If you get lucky and someone looks at it, they might call, but you’re not going to answer, ‘cause you don’t do that.

I cannot deal with public phone calls. Phone conversations are private, and I don’t need the world hearing my half of the conversation. And I never answer the phone while driving or take personal calls at my desk. If I need to make a personal call, that’s what sneaking away to a conference room is for.

I do! I’m 44, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I have several close friends who live across the state or across the country, and I love talking on the phone with them. I have kept my landline because having a long conversation with someone is sucky if you’re dealing with cell phone reception. I also very

ALL OF YOU PEOPLE HERE NEED TO STOP DRIVING ON THE PHONE. please, before you T-bone someone.

I don’t think he would go the “crazy ex” route. I’m sure he would have a more elaborate story. For example, he would probably tell his wife that this lady in the story above was a former student who is prepping for a big movie role where she plays a character who is emotionally involved with her significant other, but

I... I just... I don’t want to judge because I once witnessed my psycho ex leave a club with his other girlfriend and walk toward his house, and he just smiled and waved at me and kept walking, and the next day I (confronted him with the irrefutable evidence of my eyes) allowed myself to be convinced again that they

I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.

My nightmare boss gave me PTSD. Nightmares, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, took me years to get over.