
I will never click on a link to TMZ ever again. That poor girl must feel horrible enough without those bastards piling on.

Oh Britney is wearing a Stop Staring dress! It also comes in black and red..she looks cute and happy. She deserves some happiness.

Well done. You put things into perspective very nicely. It is exhausting having to be "perfect" after one make some moral commitments. I have been a vegetarian for twenty years and have never cheated either. I try to be as ethical as I possibly can and take things very much to heart. This seems to irk some people in

Exactly this.


It won't. Just because you cooperate with your exploitation doesn't mean you are empowered. It just means you have found a way to sleep at night.

I literally clapped when I read this. Brava.

It IS over simplified. And not only is it unfair, it is also dangerous to keep perpetuating the belief that men are the only one's capable of violence in a domestic partnership. Respect is an important component of relationships and when it breaks down bad things can happen.


I actually laughed out loud on that one. +1000



I thought they were cute and I think it's great they found each other. I don't think she was in anyone's face about her choices, she just answered the questions the interviewer posed. Why shit on someone for enjoying their big day?

Just great. People acting like irresponsible asses and getting rewarded for it. It's this kind of behavior that makes it hard to get social programs funded and perpetuates ugly beliefs about the black community.

Self-absorbed much?

Can we stop with the Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida schtick already? It's tiresome and predictable.

Exactly. Choosing someone based on his/her gender is just as offensive as NOT choosing someone based on his/her gender. Equality means not allowing one's gender/race/creed to be an impediment to success. It does not mean entitlement. When we start aiming for that we are no better than those who placed the impediments

Dear God, how self-unaware can a person be?

I am not saying it is easy. I am saying it is worth it.