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Seriously, dieting and exercise DOES work. Just like overdoing it on the junk food leads to problems with weight and blood sugar. It is not a conspiracy. It is a lifestyle.

That was my first thought too.

Exactly. Anthony from "It's a Good Life".

I get what you are saying. I have seen leggings so sheer you could see the girl's pantyliner.

Will you be feeling more pressure now that you are "the" forecaster? If so, does it take some of the fun out of the job?

The irony is the jackholes this symbol represents probably aren't gonna hire him because of the stupid tattoo.

Europeans generally don't do this. It is so tedious when someone bangs on about being 1/4 this and 1/16 that...Oh my great grandmother was from Germany ! I am 1/8 Irish so Erin go Bragh y'all. NOBODY cares.

My goodness, he needs to go back to school and work on his grammar.

"The speculation is extra ridiculous when you consider that Clinton didn't even attend the convention to watch her husband's speech". She is Secretary of State and as Secretary of State she is not allowed to attend a partisan political event. Nothing ridiculous to see here.

Let's hope this isn't one of those finders-keepers kinda things.

Money can't buy you class.

This is how I picture a Zumba class in my mind.

Go Natalie!!

You probably will catch a bunch of shit nonetheless it was a well-written post and you made great points. Kudos.

You don't know my race, clearly.

I am a White Supremacist?!?!? You are rather misinformed.

No, I did not miss that point at all. I am saying that fighting racism with racism is not going to get us very far. I think we should lead by example and check our own attitudes.

I was responding directly to Evie's post.

Charles Taylor ,Sekou Toure , Laurent Kabila ,Jean-Bedel Bokassa and Idi Amin Dada are just a few non-white mass murderers that spring to mind. And that is just in Africa. Racism/Xenophobia exists all over the world, in all kinds of cultures. Making assumptions based on anyone's race or religion is a foul. Anyone's.

"I implore of my white friends, when your nutty uncle or classmate goes off about some set of foreigners, you must make a fuss, cause a family crisis, become unpopular, speak up. We cannot do this for you." Okaaaay....nothing racist to see here. Only whites can be racist. Everybody knows that.