Chasing Ambulances

Motrin helped with that. The embarrassment? Still there.

This... was not my best take.

he lead with the crown of his goddamn helmet and hit the receiver square in the goddamn face mask. that doesn’t happen on 90% of any play. you simply don’t want to accept that your boy tried to take someone’s head off on the field.

Hey, Bears fan here (kill me) and suspend him multiple games. He teed off on him. That was stupid, reckless and potentially career ending. Crap like this has to stop.

What the fuck are you watching?

Trevathan is gonna need a doctor to look at his shoulder and see if they can relocate it from the top of his head back to where it’s supposed to be.

You’d be hard pressed to find a more obvious helmet to helmet hit in recent history. He hits him with almost nothing but his helmet, launching and targeting.

You sure as shit weren’t kidding about being a homer. He’s getting suspended for that ridiculously unnecessary and 100% targeted hit of a defenseless player.

What game are you watching where he lead with his shoulder? That was a launch, helmet to helmet, leaving his feet...

Go sober up and watch it again. Because you should be made to watch it over and over and over as punishment for this stupid comment.

Look, if we ask (pay) for precision in catching, throwing, intercepting, etc (other skill positions where you’re looking for the ball), then we should be comfortable asking for precision when tackling another human being. Look before you hit, unlike Trevathan.

Leads with his shoulder? Dafuq? Look at 1:35 in the video, just pause it, Trevathan’s whole body is following his head. Fucker was pissed and absolutely head-hunting.

You are so very drunk, there was no shoulder contact here, it was directly helmet-to-helmet. Trevathan lowers his head and hits Adams with the crown right in the side of Adam’s head. This is bad, and exactly what the rule is there for.

He lead with the crown of his helmet at FULL SPEED.

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.

in what world did he lead with his shoulder?

His forward progress had stopped and if you’re wondering if Adams’ head was targeted, notice how far his mouthpiece flies out of his facemask after the hit.

Honest question - what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope that’s just the drunkenness talking. That was one of the most vicious, and easily avoidable, hits I’ve ever seen.

I know it will be said a bunch: If the NFL was actually serious about player safety, Trevathan would have been ejected. It’s sickening he wasn’t. Come on.

Should be ejected and suspended. But it’s the NFL after all.