Chasing Ambulances

Even my feeble mind got that one! +1

Now might not be a bad time to point out that Buck v. Bell was never overturned.

One of the first things you learn in Contracts class in your first year of law school (at least in Texas) is that the disclaimers on the back of a ticket aren’t iron-clad. Just because a dry cleaner puts up a sign saying they’re not responsible for lost items doesn’t excuse them from exercising reasonable effort to

I hate to say it but it’s hard to argue with the results. They sure stopped in a hurry.

Being a police constable has to be the most difficult job there is, and that’s only worsened in the current climate. Policing only works if citizens understand and agree that they’ve empowered a select few to ensure the law is being upheld. Tweets that read “Cops still lurking around” indicate that for such a large

Not a single thing excessive about this. If your team can’t behave in a civilized manner then you don’t get to complain when you are treated like a mob. Good for the 1 or 2 cops controlling the 30-40 people here.

That is standard and just means that they all worked on it or all will be handling the case. That said, I’ve never seen such a rambling, legally irrelevant filing in my life although it’s a good firm in Oakley’s corner.

I like how three attorneys signed it so that each has plausible deniability over individual passages in that compost heap of a filing.

This is crazy. Why is it the university’s responsibility to contact law enforcement? Oh wait. It’s not! This’ll be summary judgment-ed in a heartbeat.

No doubt Tumpkin is a POS who deserved to be fired and charged, and University officials botched this in every way imaginable. But I don’t see how the school’s failures translates into a legal claim for her. The lawyer in me says the school didn’t owe her any duty, and the realist in me says she was capable of taking

Absolutely. He was right there and just gave up thinking it was going over. One of the dumbest plays I’ve seen.

Or at least an effort.

It has a lot of curve which probably made him think that he couldn’t get it...which is why you always throw yourself at things you don’t think you can get to.

It sure looked like that goalie could have made the save...

Apparently his brother was in Hudson (my hometown) which is only 30 min from MSP. They picked up the other brother in EC and made the drive. I have several friends who were disappointed they weren’t on Twitter late last night. We’re a dedicated but strange fanbase.

My cheese-addled heart is quivering.
