Chasing Ambulances

Sorry, but this seems off-base. It sounds like it was thoroughly investigated. But when it is a couple that basically won’t cooperate, you can’t exactly just charge them with something.

Its not until Oct 13 that any of stuff seems like authorities should have paid any attention.

The investigation into the investigation revealed that the detective was juggling a caseload 4x larger than she should have had. The campus PD was something like 1/2 staffed as a whole.

This is why the police are in a lose-lose situation. Had the campus/SLC police acted, people here would be up in arms over them overstepping their authority for someone who had never committed a crime. Were they supposed to simply hold him indefinitely? Tap his phone without a warrant? It sounds like the police were

I can assure you, from personal experience, paid leave after a shooting is not a vacation. Your time is spent responding to investigators, communicating with your lawyer, visiting a psychologist, and generally repairing yourself mentally. You aren’t allowed to leave a certain area, and what you do is closely

.84 on the Malarchuk scale.

If we’re getting nit-picky here, law enforcement doesn’t “press charges.” They investigate, and a prosecutor makes the charging decision.

Roy Moore almost rushed the field, but saw bush and decided against it.


He’s football’s Marshall Henderson.


“Wisconsin is finally worth noticing.”

The Donna Shalala bowl.

They have always been worth noticing, you’re just late to the party. FUCK ‘EM BUCKY WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

It clearly was a con. I think the question is whether that’s actually even a problem with you (or me, or anyone).

Funny how this all comes to light AFTER Rodgers goes out. It’s almost as if he looked into the future and realized he would have to now drop balls from Brett Hundley for the rest of the season and didn’t like what he saw.

Jesus Christ. He didn’t shoot her. She resisted while being carried out and hit the cop. She got smacked. End of story. Not everything has to be some litmus test for social justice or the flag bearer of internet outrage.

I was especially partial to the “talk to the professor at the end of every class” gunner.