
That’s why I loved the Chuck Taylor IIs! Better support, better sole, with the same look/profile. I don’t know why they didn’t catch on, they weren’t that much more expensive and they felt like walking on air.

“I want to remind us all of the benefits of in-person collaboration.”

you and david’s translations are accurate

“I want to remind us all of the benefits of in-person collaboration.”

When the final tease was showing that room full of cluttered junks, papers on board, coffee cup, I was totally expecting them to announce Detective Pikachu 2 the game!

But for too long, the media discussion of mobile gaming has ignored the human component: the actual players. ... Their games aren’t inherently inferior, and they’re consciously choosing to play games that fit into their busy lives. It’s time that PC and console players learn to respect that.

That’s fair. I remember Super Mario 3D World and A Link Between Worlds definitely had sections where I thought the 3D effect helped but technically it was never actually required to play those games. Still, I get where you’re coming from.

Piracy is now the only realistic way to maintain video game archival preservation because it is obvious that the Video Games publishers couldn’t give a shit about it.

Its been like 10 years

Exactly. If the world feels empty and dead why do I want to explore it?
That is the main drive for open world/open area games.

These are exactly my sentiments. I love Pokemon, but I’m no longer going to support a company that’s willing to do the bare minimum when they can afford to do more. 

OR...maybe people engage with games as art and therefore have nuanced priorities of what does and does not make a good game? Art is a bigger priority for some people. Some people love or hate games based solely on the soundtrack.

If I said, “Hey this game is beautiful but it controls like shit” I wouldn’t tell you to

Maybe people expected more than passable, but passable works just fine for me given I never thought this company would ever try something new, and they’re by no means bad

I mean, can you really blame people for being bummed about the artstyle & graphics? I think the general consensus is that most people want Gamefreak to build upon this, as it answers every single problem people have had with their “one step forward, 2 steps back” approach, but the graphics needs some working on.

This is where I landed. For the most part the occasionally ugly textures and comically small draw distances weren’t a big deal (though it certainly distracted me more than once), but late game when you’re largely flying around and looking for specific pokemon/items it starts to genuinely get in the way.

Maybe people expected more than passable, but passable works just fine for me given I never thought this company would ever try something new

As a first entry in a new series, of course it will take some growing into.

In my opinion this is simply an outlet for a growing frustration that a beloved franchise is still getting entries where much of it seems so half assed. I believe people would be overjoyed to get a Pokemon that feels like it swings for the fences like Smash Ultimate, or would be content if it stayed in safe territory

our sadly-departed cosplay site

The true successor to the SWAT series and truly one of the best experiences of the year.  If you don’t like tactical shooters don’t -lay them - no need for an 80o word article