
It’s not on Steam so for a third of the gaming space it basically doesn’t exit.

Eh? I mean 16gigs of main ram should be fine unless you are running 4k. 4k just needs that juice ya know. Dem huge ass textures...

I’ve resigned to buying the game twice. Once on steam for my steam deck or multiplayer and then on gog for the DRM free copy. Some games I take the type to install on my windows box, copy to my steam deck, then add to steam if it’s gog exclusive and I’m only gonna play it on the steam deck.

I will argue that CoD is essential, but not unique. I love the catch-22. Sony is right but if they don’t let MS buy Activision the CoD gravy train will fail and is already dying off. MS potentially can revive the franchise and get the gravy (spice?) flowing. So if Sony gets their way they kill the golden goose lol.

As a big big fan of Part 01 I’m super torn on the visual overhaul. In some shots it looks amazing but in others it looks worse. I think it’s the issue that MWII is having where the trailers can’t replicate what the game looks like correctly due to the compression at 1080p killing the details. Like MW’19 on my 1080p

My biggest issues are brightness and the etched screen. The etched screen doesn’t have the mirror esque glare of a smart phone but outside in full sunlight the etching just shows a opaque white sheen. If a game has a night level I can’t play it outside on a sunny day lol. The Detroit level from Advanced Warfare was

II’s were amazing. If I see a pair in my size I buy them no questions asked. Got some ugly colors but they are comfy. The regular CTs have been improved to be more like the II’s.

Yeah my work has a colossal hard on for bringing us back onsite and no one wants to say why. My department threatened to quite so the company chilled out.

So I know how the plasma pistol works and dear god I hate it lol. Call me middle era but once dual wielding hit the scene a plasma rifle/smg combo made the plasma pistol redundant lol. That aside, does this show even fit Halo “silver timeline” aside? I don’t need a 1:1 for a reboot but is it even close?

Many in the 90s felt the anti establishment and counter culture of Rage’s music. Even if they became the literal establishment. Including Rage in this case. They all became sell outs and hacks lol. I love GenX but they failed so bad.

I have buddies that have no problem with isometric platformers so they were fine with the 2DS. I just find it waaaaay easier to do in 3D.

Lol or we can admit that at best they are casuals and at worst and more commonly they are addicted. Gatcha is gambling. It’s like my older sister and her crane game addiction.

I’d make an argument for any isometric platformer but I might just have issues with depth or something.

Lol I have a drive for GOG backups and on that same drive I have a folder of widescreen fixes. I know the struggle bruh.

This is why I mod my shit. I will not let any company prevent me from doing a manual backup of my purchases.

Legit why I buy as many games as I can from GOG even though Steam is more convenient. The DRM free releases GOG puts out of classic games is a level of art preservation we hardly see anymore.

Based on how it renders I’m willing to bet money it’s using the breath of the wild tech.

Lol I’ve been hearing that since Diamond and Pearl came out.

Lol I was making the “This ‘big budget’ switch game looks like ass or the best PS2 game ever” arguments for breath of the wild. This game is even worse. I’m glad ya’ll having fun but ya’ll deserve better.

Here Here! This game looks dope but it’s super pricey for indevelopment. I don’t support the Military or Law Enforcement but it’s the only flavor that tactical shooters come in.