
FYI Customers give their money to business where they are spending money. You are a seller. If Valve couldn’t take in any new games they’d be fine. Not as profitable, of course, but fine nonetheless. If all the customers stopped interacting with Valve it’d go out of business. You’re delusional if you think you are

New 2023 game releases, runs shit on (nVidia) PC?

Yeah exactly.  It’s not like they are running some weird, bespoke architecture.  

consoles are more like PCs than ever before”

I’ve just seen the Card thing be spun into premium MTX so many times, my knee jerk reaction to any card mechanic is that it will be shifted into MTX.

Hopefully it will be fine, until the premium card packs start being sold. 

Yeah, like Ashley said, I also end up sticking with whatever for the most part in games like this. I find it super tedious to re-do decks or slots from fight to fight in an action game.

Nothing deflated my interest more in this game than hearing about “Skill cards” I will never understand the desire to insert deck building/card mechanics in games where it doesn’t belong.


He wasn’t misguided at all. The author of the article is applying Troy’s thoughts on David’s motives from the video game to the tv show’s David’s motives. They’re clearly not the same and the author is either making a stupidly illogical jump or purposely going for a hot take for clicks

I really wish they made a “offline” destiny, where we can experience the whole story, from 1 to finish, with ALL seasonal stuff, ALL missions, exotics and everything, and truly experience everything this amazing games have to offer. I stopped playing after two or three seasons of the moon expansion, and I started the

I do not. But lets assume it was a decent place, would be nice if we had the name of the ranch to actually know. From a quick google of “horse ranch santa clara” most of the ones that come up have 4+ star google reviews.

This isn’t even a story nor does it reflect badly on Paul, who is a dipshit.  He rehomed it properly to the horse ranch.  It was the OWNERS of the horse ranch that abandoned the pig.  Paul had nothing to do with the animal after dropping it off at the first ranch.

So did he re-home the pig or abandon it? Otherwise this a story about some un-named ass abandoning an animal. Shame on him for getting it for clout and giving it up, but normal people get pets they aren’t prepared for all the time

The last time I got severance pay at all, it was only two weeks. Two months sounds great to me.

A friend was laid off last week 2 hours after an all hands assuring everyone they weren’t “laying everyone off”. I would guess it’s a way to keep people from destroying work or causing havoc before they can revoke access.

The escalation at the end was definitely the main issue. Like, the previous boss was a truck.

They Peter Parker-ed him 😢

He’s actually been aging in real time since the first game came out. The developers have no idea why but they can’t stop it.

The thirty-year-cycle has contracted. HARD.