
I’m a PC fanboy but I’d have to say Days Gone is my favorite game of the last generation. It’s like a three way tie between Uncharted 4, Days Gone, and MGS5. I don’t understand the hate for Days Gone at all.

For a minute there I thought I was the only person who liked Matrix 4. It’s effeminately the worst Matrix film but I liked it none the less.

I feel this. I had to force myself to play the demo all the way. I just couldn’t jam with anything it had to offer.

While I am a fan of the blockchain for certain things, I’m unsure how this will help anyone on kickstarter. So in theory the block chain takes the place of the middle man in a transaction. Instead of wiring the money and trusting the banks or western union you can look up the transaction. This is the site I use https:/

Yeah pretty much fuck that. Like I get inflation at work on new games but FF7R is 2 years old and is epic exclusive. I would have preordered on Steam for $50 without breaking a sweat.

Oh man seeing that 007 game takes me back!

I don’t hate the opening level where you down the cruiser. It took me like 45 minutes, maybe an hour. My issue was how cold that cold open was. I replayed 4, 5, and Halo Wars 2 before starting Infinite and dear god the opening was ruined by me trying to figure out what was going on. I almost googled for spoilers

This is the third comment with a very angry tone lol. So my right wing sources called NFTs out as a trash speculative asset and moved on. My left wing sources are on a crusade against NFTs.

Eh it’s more that my right wing sources just called out NFTs as a trash assets and moved on. My left wing sources are on a crusade against them.

I mean yeah they are a garbage asset. My right wing sources call them trash, maybe list a few reasons why they are highly speculative assets, and laugh. My left wing sources go out of their way to denounce them, repeatedly.

I still don’t understand the left’s hateboner for NFTs. I get they are a garbo asset but the left really really really hates them with a burning passion. I would be going after proof of stake crypto currencies way harder than NFTs.

I really wish these companies would release the source code of the server tools for these old games. Don’t have time/resources to support the backend? Let the internet take care of it. They don’t even have to open source them. Do what Valve did and make the git open to fork and put a limited license in with it. You

Man if I could speak as well as Biggs does. He doesn’t even flinch.

It blows my mind that Rockstar had the team rebuild these games on UE4 instead of hiring the guys who reverse engineered the source for GTA3 and Vice City. That code makes the games run so well. I was doing side by side comparisons of the original source and the reversed source, it’s shocking. I don’t own the new

Lol not an autocorrect so I’m extra glad you called out that typo.

Right? I felt this game broke historical accuracy in far better fashion by being a straight up action movie in WWII. When I saw every gun in the game on the first train level I got my popcorn popper out and got the Fast 9 popcorn tub because this summer blockbuster could have gone to space for all I knew.

Unironically I’m waiting for the republicans to actually do anything of note besides take frat pictures on Pelosi’s desk. It was tamer than the riots that sparked in Detroit after the Tigers won in ‘84 and the Pistons in ‘90. Hell the “2021 United States Capitol Attack” as wikipedia calls it had 5 deaths. 1 Trump

LOL shit I was talking to a friend about tuffle she got into about being discriminated while she was out with her girlfriend when I was typing this. Mi’ scusi mi’ scusi.

Like zombies attack a town with a mosque and a decent Muslim population it isn’t unlikely a copy of the Quran hit the ground in the confusion. But given this was a level Set in ‘40s Stalingrad I could see it as devs being lazy reusing an asset which should be called out. I ended up booting up Left4Dead’s church level

Legit can someone TLDR me why kotaku and other left wing Zoomer and Millenial sources have such a hate boner for NFTs? The right wing youngin’s seem to just laugh at NFTs for being another high risk speculation asset.