
My opinion was that if it was a left wing meme it wouldn’t be getting a write up on kotaku is the gist terrorism or not. I do appreciate our politicians being unprofessional because it shows us who they really are though. From Trump having a damn near fetish for wanting the respect of being a hardworking blue collar

Lol, I feel this.

I mean then why did Kathy Griffeth get applause for the beheading of trump video. Does that not count as terrorism? I honestly lament that Mitch McConnell wasn’t in the AoT clip. That would have been a real statement.

Oh I thought Trump was funny. Not in a “He’s a master of humor way” but in like an action movie where the porcelain shop gets shot up or they fight in an adult toy store and end up hitting each other with dildos kind of way. Trump was a troll and he was funny because he drove the politcal left insane. Had they just

I mean he’s a republican. Is he actually going to do anything? At best they do nothing, at worst they spend money on wasteful shit, like defense spending.

Oh I think Kathy probably thought the beheading clip was funny in some boomer seeing people you hate get killed kind of way. I just recall anyone really laughing at it in the reporting at the time. Left wing media laughed at Trump’s response which I think was the point of the piece. As for our current attempt at a

I’ve spent enough time with boomers and right wingers. That was meant to be a joke through and through. Cringy and not funny for sure but they really meant it to be. Like how boomers make jokes about getting ass fucked. I don’t know why it’s funny but it floated their boats. Which it quickly became tiring. Boomer

For reals. When Kathy did the beheading I laughed because of how bent out of shape the left in Hollywood got. Honestly I miss the Tar and Feather/French Shaver days of politics so I didn’t care that she showed the beheading. It was just cringy like the AoT meme.

This is why I’m such a good little whore for Good Old Games. The DRM free installers are amazing for de-listing situations like this.

Lol points for effort but still fails for being cringe. I think the reason why the Kathy Griffith thing was boo hooed as much as it was is that it was broadly considered not funny, not parody (unless it was a critique on Quentin Tarantino’s effects in his films and I missed that memo), and fairly graphic. This is less

Lol honestly dude I’m to the point where I’ve accepted that the best art let alone games seems to come bastards. While yes, what Blizzard’s people did was bad, I think it means that most games are going to get worse because of it.

I prefer the directors cut because it leans more in to the science fiction though I appreciate the people who prefer the original cut. As someone who at 33 still hasn’t found their place in the world the movie still holds up. I wonder if it would be cringe for anyone who’s got their shit together though.

It looks cheap, I laugh at how Faye is in a revealing dress most of the trailer after all the kerfuffle, but I kinda like it. Yes it looks like bad cosplay, but at least (barring Faye) they really tried. Even the world (again cheaply) looks very accurate. The colors look like they sampled them from stills of the

Lol is that what the Rutabaga error message was about the other day.

Bungie was a console only developer for far too long.

I saw the in game post about Rutabaga errors. I was like what in the fuck chop shop coding is this?

PUBG on a 4k 45inch panel was dope. I could see people in bushes on mountains that my buddies playing at 1080p couldn’t see. I’m bad at the game so I was a glorified spotter more or less.

It makes me cringe

In games where the game isn’t tied to framerate, it just looks nicer. It hurts my eyes less. I’m not bettor nor worse.

Bungie gets really pissy when people find and exploit their shoddy work. Instead of “Lol, look what you found, we’re working on a fix” they start threatening the ban hammer. I think they are worried that they won’t be able to fix the bug before it causes people to quit the game. To be honest they need to take a chill