
So... a guy who doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore, goes on a right-wing Discord and post some stuff Kotaku writers don’t agree with. Quick, write a story with the Blizzard logo as the main image.

If it is, I believe every MArvel fighter from Marvel vs. Capcom 2 has officially been in a movie

Toys have been wrong before, but the official Lego set for that NY setting says it’s Gargantos.

One more time where it seems like the actual blog author is outshone by the comments

I’m sorry am I taking fucking crazy pills? That was obviously Shuma Gorath.

so what he is saying we should start sharing it more? Awesome will do!

I’m still trying to figure this out. My theory is that it makes it easier to stomache that they have missed out AND CONTINUE to miss out on a new technology. Much easier to just say it’s all bad for the environment than to accept that they need to re-evaluate things.

Daaaammmn you brain! Damn  you  to hell!!!!

So while I don’t really see this as homophobia...

Lots of people going “this was intentional” because it’s Stalingrad is a bit of a stretch. Given how many studios are likely working from a common resource directory on this franchise I can see the cause being a file called “pages” or “floor litter” or something from Modern Warfare which would feature Islamic items

After a point, stupidity/laziness becomes indistinguishable from malice.

I would think more likely that they had a bunch of usable assets lying around from one of their middle eastern settings and simply used them when designing this map. It’s still dumb and insensitive, I will give you that, but I rarely attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity or laziness.

Was this rude and culturally insensitive? Absolutely. Does it need to be there? Nope. Should it be removed and apologized for? Yep.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with massively downvoted Biden and other liberal/progressive videos ...

I mean, Nintendo’s Switch Online YT Video was the most disliked YT video since last week. But surely, Nintendo would never threaten others completely out of proportion for doing something online they don’t like...

im sure it was entirely to protect people and not at all influenced by large corporations getting indignant over people disliking their videos.

Adblock for Life

I feel no shame in using AdBlock for that shit. It’s getting a bit out of hand, given the frequency and length, and how more and more of them are unable to be skipped. If I want to watch a minute long trailer, I shouldn’t have to sit through a 2 unskippable 30 sec ads of products I don’t care or need just to get to it.

They’ve also added extra commercials. It just gets better and better.