well fuck thee gently with a chainsaw

My favorite is Last Great American Dynasty. I WANT THE MUSIC VIDEO NOW

To be fair, when I - a woman - get too drunk, things also get really crazy:

It’s felt weird for years

Witness! Witness!

The only person in America who is legally allowed to go to the gym is RBG.

I don’t watch it “ironically.” I watch it with a four-drink minimum

Also she really wants to fuck her son, maybe?

Peter needs to move out of his momma’s damn house.

The point is that Hillary Rodham Clinton remains a towering figure in American political history: an intellectually gifted, morally admirable and personally courageous lion of the left — who we totally fucked up.

For the thousandth, and final, time, President Hillary Clinton is doing a great job running this country!! Don’t you people ever read the real news? 

The only thing I want is for Rey and Kylo Ren to have dirty, dirty mind sex. I know it’s like a trillion-dollar kid-friendly intergenerational space saga, but I’m telling you, Disney, graphic, morally-conflicted fucking is what this series needs!

What I’m seeing, on re-reading, is that there should be a “from” in that paragraph, probably near the word “benefitting.”

Nah, dude, you’re not getting it: Sanders is getting the participation trophy. He attended history while other people made it. Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy wrote, redrafted, argued, broke arms, and won for S-CHIP - which was basically the first program to guarantee universal health care for all children. (S-CHIP

My favorite album is Lemonade. I don’t get mad at Lincoln because he failed to create Lemonade

Hey Ashley! I get what you’re saying - and, in general, I think this story is great and really well-written. I’m quibbling because I think Tanden was throwing (deserved) shade at Bernie as someone who talked a big game as a Senator but didn’t actually do shit, whereas Hillary talked a big game and actually did shit.

Yes - and I’m not shitting on him, personally, as an indolent college activist. I’m sure he was cool in college. My complaint is more that he benefits from really male version of left-wing politics that’s morally self-aggrandizing and proudly impractical. Plus, when his supporters dismiss Hillary as a corporate schill

I think you’re being kinda unkind to Tanden. What she’s saying is that it’s weird for AOC to credit Bernie with CHIP - the program AOC says she specifically benefited from - when CHIP’s passage is really due to Hillary, who worked harder on defining both the actual radical content of the bill and on ensuring it had


She’s brave and incautious. Whereas before, she was brave and psychotically cautious.