
I've never known any successful people (or unsuccessful, for that matter) who ask themselves any of these questions, much less routinely.

Nope. I hate those people who try to strike up a conversation out of nowhere when you need to be doing something else, or just want some quiet time. If you acknowledge them or respond in any way, they won't let go, and you're stuck with them for the duration. There have been many times when I've gotten off of a

How does having direct deposit help? They can set it up one day and cancel it the next. It's the kind of person who would do that you would have to worry about most, but it seems once they have the account, they're in.

I had a friend who went through this nightmare a few years ago. She went to a bank that wanted to know why she wanted to open an account at a particular branch. It was in an upscale neighborhood, but not that upscale. She then went to another bank that would not let her open an account and would not tell her why.

I would normally tend to agree with what you're saying, this is self-evident and almost inane advice and a waste of our time here on Lifehacker, but I think his main point is something along the lines of, if you're stuck in a procrastination rut, just spend 30 or 45 seconds getting going, and let the momentum carry

Or you'll be on the fence for being hired and Google will say, “yeah they'd be good, but I heard they just applied at Apple, so I guess they're not too interested.”

Why are Apple products on almost every one of these “How I Work” articles when they only have 5% of the market share? Someone must be using PCs.

Might as well call this the Gawker culture. Gawker is continually outraged at everything; no one has any right to say anything.

This is especially effective in Hollywood, a lot of Horatio Alger stories, but you have to enter the right contests.

I always wonder when Cascade dishwasher detergent says, “follow us on Facebook,” what exactly are they wanting you to follow? The whole premise seems so boring I don't even bother to check. Even if they post coupons or something, still not really worth the effort. And companies like that don't get that.

No because then you're not allowed to leave comments to warn others how crappy something is, like Dreamhost, for example. Worst frickin' web host experience I've ever had.

But don't make too much money or be too successful because then Gawker will hate you.

Any chance to label anything as racist. They could do a game like this in real life and they'd still focus on the racist aspect of it rather than the killing.

Yay, another program that erases my entire hard drive when installed. Proceed very carefully with Ultimate Windows Tweaker and make sure you have a complete backup of everything, including your operating system.

Is this supposed to be the salary you need just for the house, or for everything you'll need to live there?

I hope the economy goes into a tech boom like the late 90s if for no other reason than companies will need to hire as many warm bodies rather than make people jump through these completely unnecessary hoops. Make sure your resume says this but not that, make sure your phone interview does this but not that, make sure

Just put a piece of masking tape over it.

You could teach this to everyone in the office over lunch one day, then wait awhile and start shutting down computers during the work day.

Also 50. Seems to be the new 28.

I needed this about 3 weeks ago, I was trying to figure out how far I could get in a day by driving so many hours, to decide where we'd be staying for the night. I invented a very crude version of it using MapQuest, but wondered why it wasn't an app already.