Same here, I typed my book into “search free books” and it came back at $31, but didn't tell you it wasn't free until you went to download it.
Same here, I typed my book into “search free books” and it came back at $31, but didn't tell you it wasn't free until you went to download it.
Many of these books are not free. It doesn't separate them very well between free and paid.
Not nearly as bad as having it happen on “Family Feud.”
For evidence of this you need look no further than the hundreds of thousands of people who audition for “American Idol,” each believing to the depths of their souls that they are a superstar. Hopefully one of them is, but even that hasn't happened for a long time.
Not really a “fry a turkey” time of year.
“thanks to the affordable care act?”
“Luck is always the last refuge of the lazy and incompetent.” — J.C. Penney
The answer to financial problems is always to increase income, not decrease expenses.
I think you're in more danger from Google doing something without your consent than the potential dating partner.
Can Rational Arguments Actually Change People's Minds?
If you notice how well we generally get along with most people we encounter in life, you'll see there is far more that unites than divides us. We need to stop being pawns for the political parties, neither of which serves us, and the special interest groups that control them.
I've been very happy with Windows 8 since it first came out. I think all the metro-type features are intended for touch screen tablets. They're smartly designed, but they should have a prompt when you install it that asks whether you're installing it on a touch screen, and if not, default to the desktop. That would…
That's not what Swiftkey looked like when I installed it on mine. It was worse than the default keyboard.
Great documentary about Coney Island 100 years ago.
It's more likely the roller coasters have picked up more G-forces as they've gotten faster and faster, causing your blackouts, rather than a health problem on your part. But best to get checked out just to be sure, and if you are blacking out, health problem or not, best to not ride the roller coasters that cause…
Why does this item need access to my contacts and my phone calls? It's a keyboard. How do you handle apps that request access to your personal information like this?
They're passing a new law that caps the amount you have to pay each month to 10% of your income. It's not clear yet whether that's 10% gross or net, and how net would be defined. If it's 10% gross, you still have to pay taxes on that 10%.
And hardly anyone takes them online.
If the whole place is run by Democrats by an overwhelming majority from the local to the state level, why is there such a huge amount of bureaucracy to navigate? Don't the Democrats want low income people to have housing?