
Idk, if rape is about power, you can exert the most on the truly powerless.

Not fucking long enough.

Maybe you should've watched the video. Wtf was the point of your comment?

I don’t know what he was expecting.

Yes, but what are the risks of holding someone else’s pee?


It's widespread by definition.

It puts the dentures in the cup.

Risky URL click.

Obama has quite a solid sense of humor. Maybe you’re thinking of the GOP.

Humorless? Have you seen any of the White House correspondence dinners? The man missed a career as a stand up comedian.

When do they ever know? It’s a “news” source predicated on outrage and uninformed opinions

What a bunch of horseshit! Seeing these overly-manicured idiots try to manufacture a crisis out of what is probably the most peacefully and quickly resolved event in the Gulf region in this century, really fills me with rage. We should send these cunts to fight ISIL on the ground, since apparently, they know all the

Thanks Obama.

Thank you, Tyler. It’s kinda lonely in the ‘sane people club’, innit?

Look at all the fucking cats!

This game is the current greatest joy of my life. Do with that what you will.

Tubbs rules! I don’t care if he’s a pig, he’s my favorite.

Does anyone else have a photo album that is full of nothing but cat buttholes, or is that just me?