
That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan

I highly doubt it.

Is that a Summit Racing shirt?


Explain to me again how trying to force your genitals onto someone else after a play is over is acceptable and funny?

Seriously doubt this is true. First off, there is no one on the Broncos roster named Deez Nuts.

Anyone who thinks he is calling the cops needs to reference his circa 2000 Qualcomm phone.

“I tried to lay on him a few times,” said one Broncos rusher after the game. “I tried to rub my nuts on his face.”

Yeah, but could he beat off the 95-96 Bulls?

So the Tea Partier got tea bagged?

But Wilkey does show himself doing jumps on suburban streets up in the SD hills, where we see a local guy on the phone. I would imagine he is calling the cops on Wilkey. I would too, if some nutcase was going airborne in front of my lawn.

There’s not much there that’s worse than your average skate video.

yeah did he not understand the ‘dune’ part- or was he on spice ?

No, the police are investigating it for funzies.

This does not trouble me terribly. There’s not much there that’s worse than your average skate video.

What a fucktard

Who put Ferrari parts in there !!!!!

After careful examination of the video, it appears that the engine blew up.

I know its a VW but...

Clearly he didn’t read the warning...