
others believe that women’s higher core body temperature adversely affects fresh ingredients

In addition to the usual clientele, men sometimes come to Nadeshiko to berate the female chefs for sullying what they regard as a masculine art.

You're being sarcastic, but both historically and scripturally hatred is a core element of Christianity.

Nothing says “I’m a Christian” louder than nonsensical intolerance, leaving your family on Christmas, to commit law breaking assholery bordering on homicidal rage!

You gotta admire the spirit. These people refuse to fold.

Or of they’re like every single crane game in my area and the claws don’t even close until the crane is practically fully retracted. -_-

Actually, it's about ethics in science journalism

I am confused. What is an “unfertilized embryo,” exactly? Because it sounds like an egg. Once it’s fertilized, then it seems like it would be an embryo. An embryo is a fetus. It’s a fertilized egg in the process of developing.

I have never been able to menally separate American Apparel from Urban Outfitters. Is this the one with the really gross, porny ads?

Because she was a pioneer in terms of being one and being a public advocate against DADT. Even if she were straight, this likely would have been news either way, as female Air Force majors usually don’t get killed in combat, let alone in this manor.

Will you consider an unpaid coloring internship?

It’s mostly done either (a) with contraband or (b) with non-contraband MacGyver’d into being tattoo equipment. It’s actually amazing how good people get at prison tattooing. See:…

Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?

I’m still old school on the gay thing.

Did you actually read the article? It's there because her rights as a lesbian is what she worked hard for.

Because fuck your mom, that’s why.

That killed me a little also

brutal picture. RIP.

Shut the fuck up Mikey

It’s like multiple people had different opinions, or something