
I’m assuming it was a joke, referencing Secret’s gender-specific (made up science) marketing - “pH-balanced to work with your body’s natural chemistry”

I’m a woman but I use men’s razors and men’s Old Spice deodorant. It doesn’t smell like flowers and it works better.

I like the colors of men’s athletic sneakers better than women’s too. I don’t need my sneakers looking like a 6 year old Barbie fanatic chose the colors!

What I can’t figure out is why the handles of women’s razors are scented. Like, do we care?

And it works so much better too.

I think men’s deodorant works better too. And I like that the bar is wider, so I get the whole pit in one swipe. So good!

*gets out the pitchfork for dry cleaners, especially*

It’s all that expensive pretty pink plastic they use. Everybody knows blue is cheaper

Gah gah, gah gah, gah-girl...

This is why I carry a bottle of Xanax!

Honestly! My lower intestine has the most perverse sense of humor.

Same here. Nightmare.

Yup! Same here. It’s like my guts think “well, there’s not a bathroom in sight. Now seems like a good time to shawshank out of this colon” .

I’m claustrophobic and I despise that song. I would probably have a stroke. Those poor people.

Situations like this always make me wonder...what if someone reeeeeeeally had to go to the bathroom?

Q: How many bricks van a rental car carry ?

What’s the difference between a rental car and a four-wheel-drive vehicle?

You can drive a rental car anywhere.

Contrary to Jalopnik fantasyland opinion, there are tons of shitty drivers who drive manuals - a number of them college-aged.

Did you see the part of my comment that says “proper gearbox”. The ones that are not driving like drunken monkeys will have manual gearboxes. A Versa, really? These must be poor sorority girls. The ones that I knew of at MSU had BMWs, Merc SUVs and Jeeps.