
Actually, I think using “terrorism” is a good idea. This is domestic terrorism, and it needs to be correctly labeled so the gun nuts know what they created.

Same comments as always. Same arguments, same opinions, same suggestions. Nothing changes

Unfortunately, this will be finished when there is no more America.

The only thing worse than living in San Bernardino is getting murdered there. Ugh, humans.

Police are reportedly looking for “three white men in military gear.”

This happens so damn much that I at first thought this was some surreal... thing.

What the hell did people/patients at a facility for people with developmental disorders ever do to deserve this horrific violence to be thrust upon them?

Well, this never USED to bother me. Now it does. Thanks Obama.

The issue became a great popular obsession, but it took decades to wrangle all the necessary stakeholders, officials and taxpayers for basics like upgraded sewers. Various reformers would emerge and propose grand schemes, but the decentralized nature of local government made it damn near impossible to get anything

“I love the presidental primaries!”

I think it’s irrelevant what his mental status is. Scores of people have mental illnesses and do not do this. Scores of people are violent against women in this same way and do not have a mental illness. And for a good number of people, this isn’t evidence of “batshit crazy”, but rather what these women deserved. See:

Yes. This is not a mental health issue. It’s a violence against women issue. Carly Fiorina, Jason Chaffetz, and the rest of that garbage pile are directly and personally responsible for this bullshit.

It would be a mistake to write this guy off as a random lunatic when he represents everything fundamentalist religions stand for. They seem to love forgiving men for crimes like abuse and rape and then go out of their way to demonize women for accessing legal health care.

And people still maintain that reading the bible and believing in God somehow magically makes you a good person.

He was a gentle loner, though.

The only way it will stop is for good cops to step out and do something. Their silence makes them complicit.

There was an interview with David Simon, creator of “The Wire”, after the Freddie Grey murder. He was a reporter for the Baltimore Sun for years, knows the life like the back of his hand, and they asked him why he thought none of the black officers intervened. He said sometimes black officers are even more aggressive


I matched with RiFF RAFF on Tinder this weekend. When I messaged him, he unmatched me. I am not sad about this.

Unfortunately, having a black cop with a white cop probably wouldn’t do much to curb racism. Police culture is violent and institutionalized racism can be internalized. Hash tag not all cops bla bla bla but seriously.

Shut up Riff Raff.