Well glad I already donated to Planned Parenthood today.
Well glad I already donated to Planned Parenthood today.
Pray Daily for the women who abort, their children, and the providers.
Who the fuck elects these people?
“You know what the values tell you? Why are you 15-years-old and letting some boy take advantage of you?”
Ugh, goddamn fuck all of these xenophobic assholes. And your “american made” “support local economies” bullshit is so transparent. It’s 100% about being racist and screwing over brown people. No matter that they are good, enterprising and hard-working people. People that embody the values that are what America is…
Still a better pitch than anything the Women’s 2015 World Cup was played on.
They’re not talking about penalty for taking government assistance. They’re talking about penalties for not paying the taxes that go towards assistance programs. Because they’re such a clueless, greedy shit that they don’t understand how living in a country where most people’s basic needs are met is a real,…
Not to be too ‘family values’ but that, to me is how it should be (parental separation notwithstanding). A downside to the greater freedom of mobility we have these days is the impact it can have on the extended family.
I’m not asking her to give up her lifestyle. I’m just saying - recognize that your life is also subsidized and don’t hate people who were not given the same opportunities as you.
She worked hard leading off third base and slid home.
Yes! I grew up poor and worked really hard to get my degree and although I have never been a social conservative (quite the opposite) I did feel like I was exceptional and that my hard work got me from rural Mexico to a solid middle class life in the U.S. Then I started mentoring a young Chicana and saw that she’s not…
At the end of law school (which is basically the worst for this sort of shit to start with), a woman who specialized in managing student debt came to speak to us. She explained that we shouldn’t take out a bar loan, because those loans are private. When someone asked how the hell we were supposed to pay for the bar…
Entitled brats are the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.
Let her know she pays about %56 more in taxes on military funding, as oppose to the measly %1 that goes into welfare and other such assistance programs, and see how little she gives a shit.
That good ol’ assumption that white people’s lives are the default.
Glad you added that caveat to the headline. 97 percent of millennial trend pieces insufferable hacks write about largely applies only to white people. Most people in my generation are not actually what most people imagine us to be.
I don’t know what those haters are talking about. Those manu-matics are every bit as good as a manual transmission, because you can shift whenever you want, just like a manual. Also, it’s better than a manual because you don’t have to deal with all of that clutching and de-clutching in traffic. It’s really the best of…
A guy I work with that says this every winter: “That stuff is horrible! It prevents you from driving in the snow at all! I always turn it off. Way safer with it off! All of these electronic nannies...” And he slid off the road once last year, and twice the year before.