
Good on the Frisky, and excellently worded court of public opinion not court of law.

Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women?

The way I understand his (beyond flawed) logic, if women withhold sex from men, then men will suddenly start to care about sexual violence and stop men from committing it, or something.

The presumption here seems to be that women should withhold sex from men in order to stop being harassed and assaulted. So, once again, it’s up to women to not get raped? #fuckthatnoise

This kind of thinking perpetuates the myth that rape is an act formed from sexual desire, when it actually stems from power and control.

Oh mah gah. I had some religious right wing post show up on my FB feed (thanks friends!) and the comments were 1/3 prayers, 1/3 “PP was not the target! He ran in there after shooting at the bank! The media is lying!”, and 1/3 “they all deserved what they got - the unborn are the true victims!”

maybe this handy guide will help:

I have a bad habit of lurking on conservative sites to remind myself what the other side really thinks - yesterday was a very dark day on the already dark side.

I’m not saying that terrorism like ISIS and the like don’t exist. But rather that in the US we’re still not likely to see that in person. Also I don't like calling it Islamic terrorism because the actions they're taking are condemned by the same Quran they purport to support.

People are still claiming it was a bank robbery, despite the police saying almost 18 hours ago this started at PP. Denver Post today:

I meant him being a member of one of the branches of christianity where harassment and violence against abortion providers is considered acceptable, but yes — he’ll most likely be branded as a “lone wolf” and mentally ill, regardless of whatever his actual motives were.

I’m seeing this on a lot of comments on FB. Um...

Oh, he’ll be branded as crazy, alright. White men who commit mass shootings are always “mentally ill.” Men of color are just labelled as “thugs.”

The bank theory was all over Breitbart and conservative twitter yesterday

They know. They just don’t “believe” it. And that’s all that matters.

I’m not particularly religious, nor do I believe in an afterlife. In times like this, though, I comfort myself by imagining that the place of judgment that guys like this believe in DOES exist. Then I imagine the look on their face when Jesus says, “Dude, you didn’t listen to a fucking thing I said” as he pushes the

I saw something that said they claimed he meant to rob the bank next door...

Will conservatives call him a hero for going after PP or a thug for killing a cop? Can’t wait to see how Fox News spins this one....

Of course he is a white evangelical male. Of course he is.

This is Terrorism and I would not be surprised if this garbage was born in the USA.