It’s a fascist dictatorship out there, and if you don’t step very carefully you’ll be stabbed and clubbed and the dogs will lick your blood.
It’s a fascist dictatorship out there, and if you don’t step very carefully you’ll be stabbed and clubbed and the dogs will lick your blood.
I keep thinking of everyone who doesn't have an iPhone thinking that Usher is working hard on being able to fellate himself and I can't stop laughing.
And no phucs were given.
Know what’s really awesome? Whenever I buy a bottle of booze at my friendly neighborhood liquor store, I flash my chick card and get an automatic 30% discount. Works at 711 for beer, too.
I’m trying to understand your comment. Alcohol is the same price for everyone as far as I know. Like bread, or milk, or apples.
Bathtub Mint Juleps for all!
Excellent. Finally some hard work has paid off.
I was watching this with my dad and he said that they walked towards him. He was angled away from them. To me, it seemed almost like he wasn’t “aware” of them. He didn’t seem to respond to them. I can see why the city gave the family $5 million right away because this is pretty damning.
Post noise please.
Ugh, for the 212,235,623 time: Yes, we know, FWD+winters is better than AWD+all seasons. Apples and oranges are different. We saw the videos and smug commenters.
Because it’s random and hilarious?
It’s a British video, so -3 points for not saying “aluminium”.
Or you could get a 6 speed manual in a new Forester which has more room, more ground clearance and a bigger engine.
oh.. i was hoping it was a dick joke or the like.
I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to wanting a WRX someday purely for some offroad action.
i have a disgusting mind and for the life of me don’t see what you are on about..
It’s specifically because he told her to consult her husband that it’s patronizing.