
Coulda had 15 miatas.

Probably any fleet vehicles - F150, Crown Vic, Charger, etc. Though some might want to argue semantics - is it a crown vic or a marquis? Whatever. Same difference :)

Next question.

I caught a bus to the library once as a kid- and the busdriver looked at me and said “Have you ever been in a freckle contest? You are a sure winner.”

Like this? LOL!!! Looks so bad.


I spent my entire life hiding my freckles. I'm glad now to hear I'm suddenly cute.

Bike handlebar or menacing robot arm?

no no no no

My grandmother once told my mom that their old neighbors had moved to San Francisco, and were down the street from a very nice band. The Happily Buried.

I have a severe Steve Glutenburg allergy. It requires me to bring my own toaster.

I have a colleague who does this (although not to that degree maybe). He tried to say infectious in a meeting (to explain that he didn’t come into work because he was) and said incestuous instead. I was like, “well, there’s a reason to miss work!”

Or my aunt. The last time we had a family reunion, I kept a running tally of all the celebrity and fictional character names she screwed up - notably, correcting anybody who pronounced them correctly. Over the course of one weekend, we had:

Exactly. I was just pointing out that sometimes people identify as both trans and gay/lesbian. The terms are not mutually exclusive.

I think what they’re probably getting at is some kind of short-term formality that grants the benefits of married people without a long term commitment. Live-ins generally don’t have any kind of rights when it comes to medical decisions, for instance, or tax benefits.

Hold on, let me just check my crystal to see if you are right.

trash. it’s trash.

I began ignoring the straw policy after that, and the manager dutifully ignored my ignoring of said policy.

For what it is worth, this guy is a lawyer.

What are they teaching these students? You should not abuse another pupil like that.