
I look forward to the alcohol-free wine bar, and the cheese-free patisserie. What more fun things can we be freed from?

Why doesn’t everyone in the world understand this??????

New rule (really should be an old one)-never make a comment about a woman being pregnant unless she tells you. I'm sorry that happened.

Cancer-free! THIS IS AMAZING! Woo-HOO!

I’m very sad because I can’t eat candy at all. But on the plus side, i’m home from the hospital for Halloween! And cancer-free! Yay!!!!

I have too many pop culture references floating around my head.

Great save.

Or a rocket ship.

If it had been in the shape of an automatic rifle no one would have uttered a word.

Only a 12 year old boy would turn down candy because it was in the shape of a dong.

Its just a human body part

See reasoning above. Protesters would likely get tossed out. Now that would get some national TV attention.

I don’t have the right perspective to identify with #blacklivesmatter because I am a white male. If elements of the movement feel the need to protest Clinton and Sanders and feel it will be effective, then keep doing it. (I’m not giving permission either; it’s not mine to give.)

Not to mention that there is no such thing as an “unloaded” gun. Rule zero of gun use is that the gun is always loaded.

I never liked soap operas but as a kid I remember they would give one on TV in the afternoon when I was like 10 or 11 and I’d think, “damn, that boy is actually very cute”. That kid was Gael García

Nice! When I was in high school, I had a couple of my sister’s paintings (she was in AP Art and did a bunch of studies of cathedrals), plus postcards from museums, my “Nuns Having Fun” wall calendar, and multicolored blankets I had bought at Goodwill. Oh, and several movie posters, because I had worked at the movie

Gael’s so cute.

Pets always buy the best presents.

My 15 year old brother decorates his room with seething rage and b.o. It’s a desolate wasteland of stink in that place.

If my little sisters are any indication, they put up prints of photos of themselves and handicrafts just like always. Incidentally, both universities I’ve attended host annual poster sales on campus. You can still buy the Pink Floyd naked ladies poster just like you could decades ago.