Things definitely continue to improve but you’re quite correct, the options are still far from ideal.
Things definitely continue to improve but you’re quite correct, the options are still far from ideal.
“since he’s currently penis-free, he might actually be the perfect man.”
Same! Plus whatever a cheap bottle of champagne and a case of beer costs ;)
For an Oscar de La Renta, that’s not a bad deal. Bound to have good resale value too (that’s what I’d do with a $4000 dress - wedding’s over, off to ebay!)
I can’t believe she made the building manager come with her. To New Jersey. And got the sanitation supervisor to search with her. Sorry about your dress lady, but jeez.
My misanthropy and class hatred have increased after reading this article.
If that’s the case, why not have the law require to pay him a regular living wage instead of a tipped wage?
But we don’t need unions or collective bargaining or wage laws because each individual server can just use the vast power and leverage they hold to stop the managers from doing this sort of thing. Also I have a magic unicorn rabbit that shits skittles.
Or, because there are a lot of missing details in the complaint, maybe the diner has a party of 8, the waiter added the usual automatic 18% gratuity, the diner rounded it up to 20 for dramatic effect, and the waiter said the policy is legal
Now wait a minute.... it’s just an assumption on your part (and the letter writer’s) that the server lied. He just as likely thought that was the case.
Also, when I was about 2, I ran out the front door in my diaper, and found a snail. My mother finally found me with the snail in my hand being put into my mouth, tongue ready for it.
BLEERR FUZZY is cracking me up.
I was at a Ren Faire and a bee flew in my mouth. BLEERR FUZZY
My dad used to work night shifts and, one night, crawled quietly out of bed in the dark to get ready for work. He took a few steps before he stepped on something warm and sticky. He figured right that it was cat barf. What he couldn’t have guessed though was that there was a tapeworm in the middle of the barf that…
I grew up in the 1980s, which means that my childhood swing set was made of child-unsafe metal. The top bar of it was actually a long, hollow metal tube that, when yelled into, sounded very much like a megaphone.
In third grade trip on a to an apple orchard I bit into a bee. After it stung me on the lip. By the time we got back to school my top lip was resting on my chin. And my new nickname was Randbee (3rd grader humor not being all that sophisticated)
My grandmother loved to tell this story...
If it’s true, and the server said, “it’s the law,” then it sounds more like that person wasn’t exactly clear on the law and/or (and here is where I can relate) got put on the spot, got nervous, and inarticulately and over-simply tried to explain. It doesn’t sound like they were trying to scam this guy; it sounds like…
Note: I am in no way defending either the letter writer or the responder from Uexpress. I think we can all agree they are both shitty people.
“Stiffing him by taking the 20 percent off is exactly what he deserved.”