
I was just about to post something similar. I’m not a sore loser, I’m a pissed off citizen who doesn’t want to see my country destroyed by bigots and hypocrites.

One of my mom’s friends called our reps up for days to get a meeting. She told them she was calling the newspaper. She talked to a reporter and the reporter emailed our reps. Within hours a townhall was scheduled. She went to that meeting and told them off for gerrymandering districts in our area. In Wisconsin, it was

If your representative won’t hold a town hall, hold one yourself, invite them, invite the media, and read off a list of concerns and demands.

“I have never seen so many more sore losers as there are today.”

Yup, here the willful lack of thinking that goes into the neo-conservative position about political correctness comes to the light of day. Conservative discourse is this constant act of being disingenuous.

It’s even better than that: it exposes the whole “free speech” defense as the total sham that it is. They only supported him because deep down they kinda agreed with his views. And they’re only turning on him now because he finally said something that they disagree with.

He’s trying to justify what happened to him by pretending that spouting “un-PC” crap means he wasn’t raped as a kid.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in

If this were Hillary, the impeachment proceedings would have begun three weeks ago.

Now playing

The only reason he’s out is because of this being found out by the news media. We NEED to find out what’s going on with this administration and Russia. This shit is way out of control. Trump knew this happened and I’m totally convinced he ordered it and Flynn is the fall guy.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

He’s signing executive orders that he doesn’t read. He’s a tool, people in his cabinet are using him to get what they want. This whole “Muslim Ban” thing was Bannon testing the waters. He put that in front of Trump, Trump signed it, then Trump threw a fit when he found out what he signed, all because the media and the

Incorrect. Read anything about the history of nuclear scares and you’ll realize we’re one flock of birds (or other misinterpretation) away from someone exercising extraordinarily poor judgment from full-on nuclear annihilation. And what of Trump’s entire life’s work (much less his first three weeks as President) makes

I wonder if it’s going to dawn on him that he’s never going to “enjoy” anything about his life again (assuming he ever enjoyed anything). If he keeps occupying the office of President, he’s going to keep fucking up (only on a progressively larger scale) and getting rightfully shit on by (at least) 60% of the country

The problem, though, is who is picking up the reigns when Trump abdicates responsibility at the slightest sign of work? Arch-Republican Ken Doll Mike Pence and dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf in a smelly burlap sack Steve Bannon.

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable

I bet Joe had something to do with this. He probably just unscrewed all the bulbs so none of the switches appear to work.

My IUD is good for three more years, but I’ll likely be fertile longer. Insurance won’t pay for a replacement while it’s still functional, so I’d asked my doctor if it was possible the IUD had slipped and needed to be replaced.

He said no, which I expected, but then tried to reassure me it was no big deal because they

We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.