
The 1995 Survivor Series Team Blaze vs Team Faye still gets me pumped up - it’s one of the best female matches I’ve ever seen! Harder hitting and more entertaining than the men’s matches from the same event. It hurts my heart that after this she left and progress ground to a halt.

I’ve finally reached the point that I can answer the kids question without crying. My hope is that my answer of “my son was stillborn on his due date” makes people realize what a fraught question that can be so that they never ask anyone else ever again. I had to learn quickly that trying to keep the simple answer of

It’s worth pointing out that not all farmed salmon is problematic. Unfortunately, unless you know your local businesses that do the farming, it’s tough to tell who reared their salmon in sea-cages (super problematic) and those who do in-land aquaculture (the absolute best way to go).

There’s just so many people in your country, I can’t help but wonder if everyone would benefit from actually being two countries. That might likely be a radical sentiment but it just seems like there’s nothing what will unite two sides that refuse to listen to each other. My heart hurts seeing what the US is going

You gotta slow-mo Roland with his guns. He’s too fast for our pleeb eyes. (Otherwise I totally get what you’re saying)

Benefit Roller Lash is the jam, and stays on better than some waterproof mascaras for me (Dior can suck it), and I’ve recently discovered that Maybelline’s Lash Sensational is basically the perfect drug store version :)

A friend inherited a house that had one. It’s handy enough, but you still gotta drain that pot of water. That’s the fancy option I want. Something that drains large pots of hot water without me nearly getting second degree burns.

I’ve listened to the entire series twice through now. The other commenters are right - the first book drags, but the rest! Oh, the rest are so good. King himself does the intros and afterwards, and at one point mentions how he had lost his muse for continuing this series, until he listened to the audio versions by

I dump this into my batter for savoury waffles! Slather that waffle with cream cheese and sliced tomato and that’s a happy weekday breakfast.

Came to check out the lovely wedding photo *and* I got to learn to stop confusing Tony Robbins with Tim Robbins. I bet Tim’s rave would be more fun.

When cooking a roast beast (pork or beef) my grandmother always taught me to glue a few bay leaves to a thin layer of mustard on the top of the beast before roasting. Always delicious, but you’re right - hard to describe that flavour.

I’ve never had beef Wellington. I always thought it was just boring beef wrapped in pastry and who cares because more exciting things can be wrapped in pastry. I’m now salivating at this and realizing the error of my ways. And I learned that the thing I do with mushrooms has a fancy name! Today is a good day.

What’s too bad is that the diclectin is more expensive than weed - not everyone’s drug plan covers all the cost :(

Here’s some hope from a Canadian perspective. Before Trudeau we endured many years of a robot man who served only to push industry self interests that didn’t help the people much. He cut social programs, muzzled scientists and made us look rather terrible on the world-wide scale. He got full power because at the time

I often try to give people I dislike the benefit of the doubt, and muse about what they’re like in real life. I just can’t with Michael Cole - in my heart he’s a sniveling yes-man that can’t retire soon enough.

I haven’t had an abortion that was a medical procedure, but I have had a miscarriage, which is medically called ‘spontaneous abortion’. I was completely unprepared for the amount of pain, which felt exactly like my body committing violence against itself. Pain worse than what I experienced in childbirth.

My husband was a first responder to the Haiti earthquake a few years back. Ineffective government is an understatement. He and other responders had to work around the government to actually get aid to those who needed it - literally throwing supplies over fences and sneaking in medications in backpacks. They learned

There’s a group in my town threatening clowns this Friday (for real). Police are on it. Could this problem not be solved by throwing rocks and garbage at the clowns? They’re just looking for power through fear, right? I feel like treating them with disdain and rock throwing could make the assholes rethink their

Mine’s only anecdata - but I’ve had friends with severe billing issues with Bell phones over the past few years, another friend who had a 3 month long fight with them over an internet stick that actually caught on fire and then my roomie just spent 4h of a Sunday getting her phone unlocked. But they’re the cheapest

Oh man, thank you for that advice. After writing my comment I decided to check Amazon for the Anova and near pooped a little at the price. I was expecting pricey, but not ‘fancy Kitchen-Aid mixer pricey’.