
I loved looking through these magazines back then and also enjoyed my grandmother sewing dresses like this for teens in the community - find some pattern books from then, there’s some real doozies. She liked making a little extra scratch but called all the dresses a pain in the ass to make haha. Though a thing I only

Roast radishes go very nicely in a frittata! 

Heck yeah - I often use roast chicken with avocado and some curry (spinach too) on a nice bun - it is my most favouritest sandwich.

Sharp cheddar always, for anything. They’re also great for camping food as you don’t need to bring anything extra other than a pot and water.

I suggest buying their gigantic bags of naan too and make smoked salmon ‘pizza’ with cream cheese, garlic, dill and some tangy cheese on top. So freaking good.

When my son was stillborn, my in-laws showed up with everything a person needed to make great sandwiches (ie, nice telera and focaccia buns instead of sliced bread). Though I can’t look at telera buns without a little sadness now, I also feel so much gratitude for that perfect fuel during that first awful month.

Pingu is another awesome dialogue-free show! With the added bonus of penguins.

“I love wrestling with my whole heart, without irony, but there is a lot about it that is very fucked up.” 

We’ve recently made friends with people who moved here from SanFran! They started the process as soon as Trump was voted in and were here by May. You don’t need to have a super fantastic skill, just work in the medical field! And search province by province - they all have certain types of skills they’re hoping to

It’s available most commonly in oil capsule form, but a friend who’s alleviating cancer symptoms with it has a pure crystalline form that he uses a little scoop to put some under his tongue.

I had a destination wedding because eloping would have lost me my entire family. I didn’t really expect anyone but our parents to go, which backfired because 50 people came. Turns out we had a blast because we had an entire week to hang out together with all our favourite people instead of only having 5 minutes

Have you tried any of the weird and wacky teas out there instead of the same black stuff everybody drinks? When I’m the sober driver I treat myself with expensive-ish ones that taste like blueberry jam, strawberry lemonade or super fancy jasmine-style ones. But I hear you - I love the taste of beer more than most

We’ve had plenty of power outages but never had that happen, through we do have the most basic of models.

I call that Roomba-proofing! The term now applies to getting stuff out of the yard before mowing too. Also, never buy a Roomba with a schedule, that way you never have to worry about it accidentally eating anything it shouldn’t (or getting stuck under that one piece of furniture and listen to it cry for help).

For anywhere it’s legal: 1/4 cup finely ground already-been-vaped weed (or regular if you want) added to a box of brownies, cut into 1x2 pieces makes a properly dosed edible. But if you eat two and have a bad time, you’ve been warned.

Toms has a line called Avalon which is a sturdier build and last longer. I sing their praises to anyone who will listen haha.

It was either grade 9 or 10 that we read it, which was high school for me, but lots of different places have different cut-offs I would assume.

No love here for The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton? I still remember it as the only book that classmates that don’t normally like to read truly seemed to enjoy, plus the movie watching bonus of all those great up and comers.

I have that exact same problem. I’ve found when the weather is dry, I can do about 10-15km in a pair of Toms if that style is comfortable to you. My next experiment will be insoles in a pair of Chuck Taylor’s - at least they can be dressed up in a slightly funky way.

I feel you! I went from loving his Instagram to feeling much less enthused. I just want to live in a time where people give themselves and other humans credit for the hard work they do, as opposed to “God did all of this, human ingenuity counts for nothing.”