I’ve worked in TV, radio, and an ad agency over the last ten-plus years, just so you know what I’m about to describe isn’t just coming out of my ass, based on nothing:
I’ve worked in TV, radio, and an ad agency over the last ten-plus years, just so you know what I’m about to describe isn’t just coming out of my ass, based on nothing:
Same here about the quaint British shows. I stumbled over Doc Martin and devoured the first few seasons. Also, I have a soft spot in my heart for the Detectorists which always puts me in a nice zen frame of mind.
It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and…
Don’t believe everything (read, anything) Chris Kattan writes
I’m going to make a plug here for PACE programs, which exist in medicaid expansion states. They are publicly funded programs that provide home caregivers and home nursing to seniors with the explicit goal of keeping them out of nursing homes, because even having one on one professional nursing care is still cheaper…
Far be it for me to defend Jonah Hill, but he...seems....to have grown up. He copped to being a dick when he was younger in his fairly recent interview with Desus and Mero on the Bodega Boys podcast. Listening to it turned the tide for me. I turned off that podcast and said out loud: “I guess I don’t hate Jonah Hill…
Same. I was nerd when I was a kid and it wasn’t popular to be a nerd, and I’m a nerd now, when it is clear the nerds have won, at least when it comes to domination of pop culture. My childhood friends were, for the most part, all nerds as well.
Single father here and I agree completely. People are all the time saying stuff like “I don’t know how you do it,” etc.
The same way the dozens of women in the organization who are single mothers do it, only with a penis and a bunch of unnecessary fawning.
I teach sexual and reproductive health courses to college students, and they bring current events/articles to class. Several have started to express extreme concern...I can only call it “doom and gloom”...about this news and other stories like it coming out of our government. They are assault survivors, children from…
I should follow this up by saying:
Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.
“Jagged Little Pill was “Baby Shark” for mid-’90s angsty tween girls.”
Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.
Regarding the lack of black champions since 1985:
So can the Parkland kids sue Fox news for the same thing?
Best thing to come of this announcement is this tweet...
Replace the mayo with smashed avocado (no blender/food processor, will get too soupy). More nutrient and flavor rich, and has a very similar texture. Is amazing with chicken, okay with tuna. Haven’t tried egg, will have to do that.