
Not sure if it was your point or not, but these sous vide installments are finally convincing me that maybe I need this kitchen apparatus in my life, if only for the jarred desserts.

Is that why I love it?? I thought I was a weirdo because shaved chests have been deal breakers for me. Glad to see I’m not alone.

And I’m not just referring to BPA - there’s a tonne more of plasticizers out there that I’m willing to bet we haven’t looked too closely at that are used in food wraps. I’m not saying this to be a hippie contrarian, I just think that we humans haven’t gotten it all figured out yet :P I’m curious now about silicone

I’m late to this sous vide game, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Cooking things in soft plastic squicks me out - has the process been tested to ensure there’s no leaching of plasticizers? Some researchers I’ve worked with in the lipids field don’t even like samples stored in plastic, so cooking things with

Mostly real question: where’s the lines between people dressing as clowns to scare people/terrorism/free speech?

Thanks so much for that explanation! I’m glad to see it’s not just me being dense. Calls to mind when I took political science a million years ago - the prof told us that the frustration we had with fully understanding our own electoral system was nothing compared to what Americans had to deal with.

Try as I might, I simply don’t understand why it’s a thing that you Americans can wrap all sorts of other unrelated things into your bills. Did it come about as a side-door way of getting things done? How is it even legal? Not to mention how folks don’t just vote for a candidate, but a whole boatload of other stuff at

I love your mental list name, and it made me think about how my husband states again and again that The Doors are only popular because Morrison died. I mean, I love me some Roadhouse Blues but that’s about it. There’s part of me who still thinks Hendrix would still be cool to this day, though.

And then he’d just get the sympathy vote :(

My misunderstanding is that whenever I read the word ‘cupping’ I imagine people farting into their hands and then jamming it in people’s faces. I *wish* Gwyneth was in to that.

As someone who has gone through a traumatic (though not on a violent level such as this) experience I ended up surprising myself with the calmness that I felt. It was exactly like something had switched off, and a part of me that I did not know I had switched on and said “Do whatever you need to get through this time.

My rice cooker changed my life. The most frustrating part is that I’m fantastic at cooking most anything but I’ve screwed up rice on the stovetop more that anything else in my entire life. First knuckle method has never worked for me :(

I run a gas chromatograph doing microalgae research and really have to get hold of myself when I see all those children’s balloons. Yes, they’re cute, but goddamn it we’ve had a couple of times where we couldn’t even buy cylinders of helium to run our equipment- which is a little more important than kids immediately

That’s basically how the vote got split and we were stuck with gross Harper in a majority government in Canada and the damage he was able to do with that power was quite distressing. What is with humans unable to learn from past mistakes?

At 9 years old in 1993, Celine was my first ‘real’ concert. Nine years old, watching Beauty and the Beast weekly. And I fucking got to see her sing that song. I’m so, so happy that she’s still got it - even though I didn’t understand what ‘it’ was when I saw her - I knew it was a night I’ll always be grateful for.

As someone who’s son was stillborn, people who don’t give their children the best medical treatment possible enrages me to a point I didn’t realize I could reach. You’re lucky enough to have a child that’s alive and you chose to ignore all the medical knowledge that’s out there? If you didn’t get medical training, you

Heart still puts on a pretty sweet show, as PhyllisNefler already mentioned. It’s often a surprise which Zeppelin tune they’ll cover as a bonus treat and the one I saw near blew the pants right off me. Anne Wilson’s pipes could put Plant to shame.

I had no idea the need for prosthetics meant you were incapable of murder. Glad I learned something new today.

It does, a little. I’m finding that if the offending artist is at least repentant (i.e., John Lennon - Getting Better) things aren’t quite as ruined. I sincerely hope his band-mates are awesome enough to counter his garbage.

Damnit. I just stumbled across Eagles of Death Metal’s music on some random streaming playlist the other day, and I really enjoyed it. Separating the art from the artist is tough, at least for me :(