
I can’t help but wonder what that would do to the fine balance of micro flora in the longer term besides ridiculous pain of the short term. I’d rather be surprised with a punch than that - which I feel says something about this particular prank (which I really do feel was staged and hope every vagina owning human

Does stating the obvious like that make you feel good, or just superior?

Just because the outcomes are predetermined doesn’t mean wrestlers aren’t real people and we can’t cheer them when they do well or mourn them when they’re gone. Do you watch action movies?

I feel so-called ‘good’ country is the “story songs”. Midnight in Montgomery, Fancy, Thunder Rolls, Independence Day being some of the best of the 90's. But to make things easier, I just tell people I don’t like country but there’s a special place in my heart for some of it, for sure. The current stuff on the radio

Then what happens if the husband takes on a second wife who already has a daughter (in some cases only to bring said daughter into his fold)? That daughter should still be able to live with her mother. And this is where things get murky and the abuse happens, all under the guise of religious freedom. Tricky.

From what I’ve looked in to, part of the problem is that a lot of these polygamous situations in Utah actually do result in cases just like Jeffs’. It provides a legal loophole to take on underage ‘brides’ - which are essentially living in the house under the pretense of being help to the family, meanwhile being

We have a municipal compost program so I always use a flyer or sheet of newspaper to catch my scraps and toss the whole thing in the bin when I’m done. Easiest thing ever! I assume an old flyer would would still be pretty easy compared to using a sheet pan even if you just toss it in the garbage?

Hey fellow Canuck, my employer too! My pregnancy ended in tragedy and I was given 4 months off for recovery - 3 of which was still considered ‘maternity’. I can’t imagine the same scenario in a country where I’d be told after my 2 weeks of vacation (if I’m lucky) were used up to get back to work after going through

Every summer I would take out as many Dahl books from the library as I could and re-read them all. I also made some of my own marvelous medicine, and would try to sing the songs from James and the Giant Peach while lying in the field by my house. I don’t often miss my youth (being an adult is pretty rad when you get

It’s almost less about my small hands, and more about my small pockets, to be honest. This isn’t a money joke - the new larger phones simply do not fit in my pockets, which is totally a first world problem, but totally inconvenient regardless.

I’m still wondering if I should feel bad for wondering if he would have been an interesting case study on the effects of crack smoking on cancer. Is the possible “badness” of my curiosity negated by truly feeling for his family during a difficult time? Ultimately, I think we’re all not very good at navigating the

As I was reading this article, I was hoping this would be posted. Thank you :)

People pay $$ to watch action movies, which are actors (and often their doubles) fake fighting choreographed moves to further plot lines and entertain. Same as professional wrestling, except it’s live and no one gets to yell “cut”.

I was Team Viola, but I didn’t consider the Famous Five... but it’s at least nice to feel conflicted about so many great options :)

Mr. Mountain Lion just wanted to freshen his breath.

In Canada, at least, when cows are treated with antibiotics, their milk is straight up dumped down the drain. And if a medically treated cow’s milk gets in to the tank with the main supply due to human error, that whole tank is dumped (that’s why the job of Milk Tester exists). Also “feeding hormones” is illegal. Raw

I guess I’m lacking context - this was someone who’s been shitting on the little guy for quite some time, so the little guys decided to fight back. You know, how vandals do. Sheesh.

During the Canadian election the sign for the conservative candidate from my area was burned down twice while signs for candidates from other parties remained intact. It was delightful.

The Orlando equivalent is the only ride in the whole park that made me barfy. And it was the only Harry Potter ride that took a picture. Now my husband and I officially have our worst picture together.

Literally everyone I know that it took awhile to get pregnant for #1 assumed it would take a bit for #2 and they immediately got pregnant instead. Small sample size (4), but one to keep in mind. It’s like the body is super ready the next time around.