Manley Mann

I also wonder what the inherent parking lots around a stadium do to impact a neighborhood. Especially navy yard which we all know was up and coming with or without the stadium. I was at a game last week and my brother goes, “shame we have this big ass parking lot right in the middle of all of this.”

Gary Johnson is to foreign policy as Charlie Kelly is to bird law.

Two dope queens is my shit.

What about the people who clearly and concisely answered your question?

I hope you don’t get any shit for this because this is the exact point I was here to make.

Chop chop chop, judo flip

Uncle Ruckus endorses Ed Wuncler much to the dismay of the Freeman’s.

Someone call Lundvist and make sure he’s doing okay.

Dude....a huge part of a fun consensual experience is people enjoying the mutual pleasure they are giving to each other. Id venture a guess that most people in healthy relationships derive more pleasure from pleasuring their partner and that’s a two way street. You think you're being selfless but it's actually a

Oh America. You make it so hard to America when you are always Americaing

Illich has spent years buying up property not to build.

Okay I get it you’re trolling.

Well that person is a big asshole. I would never defend their actions. You do understand however plenty of people such as myself have been riding bikes since we were kids and never ran into anyone.

This is very narrow minded. I know I have to be much more aware of my surroundings on a bike just by the very nature of the way motorist treat you. My brother has never “zoomed through a red light” and he has been doored and hit by aggressive nyc drivers. The problem doesn’t simply start and end with cyclist and if

Endangering motorist or annoying motorists?

You must have missed my whole point of this shit goes both ways.

I also ride my bike in DC. No doubt I’ve made my mistakes (being human and all). The thing is, I can’t go a day without a car completely disregarding the fact that I am apart of the flow of traffic and turning left while I’m continuing straight. Or just cutting in the bike lane right I front of me tocatch a parking

As a cyclist who generally follows the rules I see this shit goes both ways. Plenty of asshole cars on the road the implications are just vastly different. Everyone needs to just practice a bit more patience. I was crossing on foot at a cross walk with a stroller holding my nephew and was almost run over by an

Wait is this legit or are you just a world class troll? Are you posting beer league photos of yourself?